Chapter Leadership Day 2003

by Edited by ASHI Staff December 1, 2003

With 120 of the Society’s leaders in one place, the emerging ASHI brand was pinched, prodded and discussed in true home inspector fashion. Following a presentation on current legislative activity, The ASHI Experience took center stage, beginning with updates on what other groups had contributed to date. ASHI Member Tim Tucker explained the decisions made by the public relations committee and the branding task force regarding how members would qualify to deliver The ASHI Experience, the recommendation for advocacy rather than policing, and other program tenets. Following the general session, participants were divided into three work groups to examine and provide feedback on different aspects of the brand. The groups moved from room to room so all had an opportunity to work on all the elements: mentoring, education and chapter development; marketing and sales; and delivering The ASHI Experience.

Who better than chapter leaders to shape the programs and policies for an initiative designed to be the most powerful in local markets? The leaders did their job well, nixing some print ad concepts, endorsing radio spots, providing input on Web site functionality, and voicing perceived challenges along with suggestions for meeting those challenges. They worked together to identify programs and policies that will bring The ASHI Experience to life.

ASHI’s officers and executive director took advantage of the closing Call to Action general session to set the record straight on some of the rumors that have been circulating widely (e.g., that the ASHI headquarters building has been mortgaged – it has not).

In addition to building the body of knowledge shaping The ASHI Experience, leaders were invited to become brand ambassadors by carrying what they’d learned back to their chapters.

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