Chapter Leadership Day 2002

by Edited by ASHI Staff December 1, 2002

Leaders get tips on legislation, liability, publicity

Jim Hemsell, Lone Star Chapter president, and Janet Swandby, Coen and Swandby, headed up the panel dedicated to “Legislation: The Regulatory Climate, What to Expect, and ASHI’s New Position Statement” at Chapter Leadership Day 2002.
Chapter leaders in attendance also received updates from Noel Zak, executive director of EBPHI, and Rob Paterkiewicz, ASHI executive director, and Jim Vykopal, ASHI director of compliance. Legal and liability issues facing chapters were addressed by ASHI’s insurance consultant, legal consultant and Cindy Paterkiewciz, ASHI’s director of finance and administration/HR.

More than 100 Chapter leaders from 51 Chapters attended the event.

Three new PR programs kicked-off and Web site ideas shared

Three new public relations programs for chapters were also announced.

1) Media lists for local public relations efforts are now available to chapters for $50. Request forms were distributed at Chapter Leadership Day, and the form was also attached to November First Thing.

To determine the value of offering this service to chapters, Lone Star Chapter was given a list earlier this year. The chapter used it to distribute a press release announcing local seminars and touting home inspector education as tool for better serving consumers. Chapter President Jim Hemsell reported, “They helped establish Lone Star ASHI as a contact for real estate questions and problems as they arise. As a result of the Press Release that we sent out, we were called by four newspapers for information. One was an indepth interview that may produce something down the road. We also had a TV spot from one of the Dallas TV stations.”

2) Chapters can request a customized ad for placement in local publications. The chapter’s name, Web site and additional information will be added to a template ad and emailed on request.

3) Headquarters will provide on request “Home Inspection and You” or “Home Inspections: A guide for real estate professionals” tri-fold pamphlets ready for imprinting or imprinted with chapter members’ names.

For details of all three programs, contact

Carlos Tabora, ASHI director of marketing and Jim Hensell from the Lone Star Chapter lead a discussion about Web sites, and the day ended with round table discussions.

The day was organized by Bob Kociolek, ASHI director of chapter relations and state affairs, for the benefit of Chapter leadership.

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