Chapter discussion boards now available
Did you know your chapter can have its own discussion board to post important news, express views and even conduct chapter business and meetings? HQ will set up chapter discussion boards at no charge. It’s easy. Notify HQ who will moderate it. This person will be able to select users (these are private rooms, available only to your chapter members and anyone else you choose) and edit/delete posts.
The conferences have chat room capabilities for real time discussion. Take advantage of this great service. Contact Bob Kociolek at 847-954-3177 or to get going.
Reserve your room for InspectionWorld California now
If you like to have your plans in place early, call now to reserve your hotel room for InspectionWorld California, Jan. 10-13, 2007, 714-520-5005. Be sure to ask for the American Society of Home Inspectors’ special rate: $154 a night.
2006 Town Hall Meeting and Chapter Seminar in Portland
This year’s annual Town Hall Meeting and July Board of Directors meeting will take place at the Marriott Portland City Center, Portland, Ore., on July 14th and 15th. Invitations were mailed to the membership in Oregon, Washington, Nevada and Hawaii. If you have any questions regarding the Town Hall Meeting, please contact Angie Stark at
Oregon ASHI will be presenting an Educational Program in conjunction with the national event on Friday and Saturday. For more information, please contact Oregon ASHI Vice-President Ken Giblin at (503) 260-4300.
ASHI aims for 7,000
Current membership count
Members: 3,657
Candidate with Logo Use: 72
Candidates: 2,238
Affiliates: 97
Retired Members: 99
Membership Total: 6,263
Just 737 away from 7,000!!!!
Dues notices and MRC claim forms coming in August
Dues notices will be mailed in August. If you owe MRCs, you will also receive a claim form with your dues notice. If you attended InspectionWorld 2006, you have earned your required 20 MRCs; if you didn’t and need additional credits, see the list of chapter seminars in the Education Corner and visit the ASHI Web site for a list of approved seminars.
Tools for promoting your chapter
• Use an ASHI display booth to promote ASHI and your chapter at real estate conferences and home shows. Your chapter can reserve a real estate show booth or a homeowner show booth from HQ. The booths are available free of charge to chapters, but a damage and insurance deposit must accompany the reservation request. The booths are in demand, so please be sure to make your reservation early.
Visit the ASHI Web site to download a reservation form, or contact Russell Daniels at HQ,
• Would your chapter like to promote ASHI at your state National Realtors Association® conference? To request a list of the dates and locations of state shows, contact Diane Ledet at HQ,
ASHI to recruit volunteers for NAR• conference in the Crescent City
The National Association of Realtors Annual Conference is coming to New Orleans this fall, and once again, ASHI will have a strong presence. We will be actively seeking volunteers to work the ASHI booth during the show, which will take place November 10-13 at the Morial Convention Center. If you live in the area, mark your calendar now and watch for the call for volunteers from your chapter later this year.
ASHI calendar of events
- July 14-15, 2006, Town Hall Gathering and Board Meeting, Portland, Ore.
- Oct. 19-20, 2006, Chapter Leadership Days, Rosemont, Ill.
- Oct. 21, 2006, Board Meeting, Rosemont, Ill.
- January 9, 2007, Council of Representatives Meeting, Disneyland Resort, Anaheim, Calif.
- Jan. 10, 2007, Board Meeting, Disneyland Resort, Anaheim, Calif.
- Jan. 10-13, 2007, InspectionWorld California, Disneyland Hotel, Anaheim, Calif.
- April 13-14, 2007, Board Orientation and Meeting, Rosemont, Ill.
- July 13 -14, 2007, Town Hall Gathering and Board Meeting, TBD
To Read the Full Article
ASHI offers its members unparalleled resources to advance their careers. ASHI offers training for inspectors at all levels of knowledge and experience, including resources about all major home systems. Members benefit from a vast network of experienced professionals, providing a community for mentorship and knowledge sharing..
In this Issue
Professional Networking
Grow your professional network, find a mentor, network with the best, and best part of the community that’s making home inspection better every day.