Change is in the Wind

by Hollis Brown March 2, 2017

Change is inevitable. Positive change is a function of policy decisions. Policy decisions born of grassroots efforts are usually the most effective. That’s where the Council of Representatives (CoR) comes in. We are an instrument of change.

Think with me for a moment about the composition of the CoR. We are a diverse group of individuals, representing a diverse group of chapters, representing a diverse group of members. The two things that we have in common are (a) the obvious—we’re all home inspectors, and (b) we are each here to affect the evolution of our association—The American Society of Home Inspectors. Because of our diversity, communication is crucial. In fact, it’s mandatory. According the CoR Policies and Procedures Manual (P&P) and consistent with the ASHI bylaws, the Council is “…to act as a twoway conduit of communication between the Board, Chapters and the Membership.”

The Council is uniquely organized and positioned to facilitate communication, but communication without ideas is fruitless. Council Representatives are chapter members and, as such, are routinely in discussion with the individuals whose voices matter—the members. So, our task begins with discussion. It’s time that we start talking it up, not only during, but before, after and between chapter meetings.

It’s imperative that we consider evolving trends. Tools, technology and client expectations are all in flux around us. Many of ASHI’s founders, the bedrock of our society, are at or reaching retirement age.

These are seasoned veterans with wisdom and experience unparalleled anywhere. A fresh generation of energetic youth is coming of age and striving to meet the challenges of an ever-changing world. We have much to learn from each other.

Change is often difficult. We have all seen communities of people divide along ideological, class, gender or generational lines. When these differences are considered, pondered and discussed through civil discourse, we all benefit. It’s not until we understand others’ points of view that we, as individuals, become capable of making informed, effective and wise decisions. It’s when we push our own agendas, marginalizing opposing points of view, that discussions devolve into disagreements.

Once again, this is where the Council steps in. Per the P&P, “…each Council member is encouraged to speak the desires of his/her respective membership, and not promote his or her own agenda.” Our job is not to decide, but rather to discuss. We foster thoughtful consideration; the ASHI Board of Directors establishes policy. The most important thing we (members of the Council) do, is to inform that policy.

I’m excited about 2017! We had a successful annual Council meeting. We just elected our new group leaders. We’re busy establishing protocols. We have a Group Leaders Meetings scheduled for the first Tuesday of each month.

I believe in ASHI. I believe in the ASHI Standard authoring process. I believe in the ASHI Code of Ethics. I believe in the ASHI membership. I believe that the strength of ASHI is in its chapters. Let us all resolve, as we begin this journey into the future together, to encourage each other—to listen to each other, to respect each other and to chart a future that keeps ASHI relevant for generations to come.

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