Central Virginia and Hampton Roads Join Forces

by Edited by ASHI Staff December 1, 2005

Central Virginia and Hampton Roads join forces to exhibit at Virginia Realtor®’s conference.

John-Kenny.gif John Cranor (left) from Central Virginia Chapter and Kenny Hart from Hampton Roads were two of the ASHI Members who worked in the ASHI booth at the 3-day annual conference of the Virginia Association of Realtors in Norfolk, Va.

Cranor said that although it was a challenge to organize two chapters, it was well worth the effort.

“The Realtor community sees ASHI’s presence and, little by little, they associate ASHI with home inspections,” he said.

“I was pleasantly surprised at how far Realtors had traveled to attend the conference. They came from throughout the state. I believe it’s worthwhile for ASHI chapters to attend these conferences, shake hands, listen to the complaints and compliments, and promote ASHI. Several Realtors and the conference leaders thanked us for attending.”

Scelsi speaks on successive evenings to three chapters

 by John Spoehr, ASHI Member

All too often, local ASHI chapters have a difficult time arranging good speakers for Paul-Scelsi.gif their educational meetings. Earlier this year, Tri-state ASHI Chapter Member Pete Wilden arranged to have Paul Scelsi of Air Vent, Inc. speak on successive evenings to the First State, Tri-State and Southern New Jersey ASHI Chapters. Sharing quality speakers and topics is one way ASHI chapters can support each other.

Scelsi is a nationally recognized expert on the importance of proper attic ventilation, and the information he shared was applicable to our profession.

He concluded each presentation by inviting the home inspectors to visit www.air vent.com for more detailed and technical information, and distributed an Air Vent publication, “Principles of Attic Ventilation,” which was the basis of his presentation.

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