Central New York Chapter Honors Gregg Harwood
Photo: Gregg Harwood, left and Keith Oberg, right
When his health prevented ASHI member Gregg Harwood from continuing as an active member of the Central New York Chapter and President of NYSAHI, the state organization, members of both organizations wanted to ensure he knew that they held him in high esteem and greatly appreciated his contributions to the chapter, the state association and the profession.
Keith Oberg, a fellow chapter member, did the honors of presenting him with a plaque inscribed as follows:
“In grateful recognition of your extraordinary service and contribution to the founding and subsequent success of the New York State Association of Home Inspectors, from the Officers and Board of Directors of NYSAHI on behalf of its members and the home inspectors of New York State”
Members also wrote an open letter in which they thanked him for being a driving force in the chapter, the state association and the profession. They suggested friends and colleagues contact Gregg by e-mail at gregg@professionalhome.com.
NICASHI Donates to American Legion
Again this year, the Northern Illinois chapter chose to honor wounded soldiers by donating $500 through the Morton Grove American Legion Post, to be used solely for the comfort and recreation of the wounded warriors in military hospitals.
Top photo: Representing the chapter, Barry Kreiter, chapter past president; Greg Hines, NICASHI Board member, and Ed Massart, NICASHI secretary, received the Certificate of Appreciation from the Morton Grove American Legion Post Rifle Squad Commander, John Maloney. Bottom photo: The same chapter members are pictured with Morton Grove American Legion Post Senior Vice Commander, Jan Lipinski.
Photo submitted by Ed Massart.
Great Plains Promotes ASHI at Realtor® Conference
Great Plains Chapter members staffed a booth at the Kansas City Regional Association of Realtors education conference on March 12, 2009. Members handed out brochures to promote ASHI and chapter members while discussing the importance of having a home inspection with visitors to the booth.
Photo: Promoting ASHI: Great Plains members John Clason and Randy Sipe work the booth at the Kansas City Regional Assoc. of Realtors conference. Woody Ludwig, Miki Mertz and Doug Hord (not pictured) also took turns educating attendees.
Photo submitted by John Clason, Great Plains Chapter president
ST. Louis Seminar Attracts 85 Inspectors & ASHI Directors
Photo l to r: Paul MacNeill, chapter secretary; Jeff Arnold, ASHI executive director; David Birenbaum, chapter president; Jack McGraw, ASHI director; Harry Morrell, chapter education chair; Curt Pohlman, chapter vice president; Dan Raidt, chapter treasurer; and Sam Vladova, chapter immediate past president.
St. Louis ASHI held a one-day educational seminar on March 27. Jeff Arnold, ASHI executive director/CEO, was the keynote speaker and 85 inspectors, including Jack McGraw, ASHI director, attended the educational session.
Photo submitted by Steve McNamee
OHIO Chapter welcomes ASHI Executive Director
At the March Ohio Chapter seminar, ASHI Executive Director/CEO Jeff Arnold attended both days. He sat in on the classes, had a chance to speak to chapter members, and answered and asked questions over dinner with the board Saturday evening until the wee hours (see photo below).
In the photo below, he either was trying to escape from the members or raise the executive director’s position to new heights.
Submitted by David Argabright
Western Washington Promotes & Hosts
Photo: Dave Motter, Truss Engineer at Oso Lumber and Truss, explains some of the finer points of truss installation to seminar attendees.
Promoting …
Jim Estrada , chapter public relations committee chair, designed and arranged to have an exhibit booth built to use at real estate conferences. It debuted at the Snohomish County Camano Association of Realtors Conference, held at the Everett Washington Events Center.
According to Howard Maxfield, chapter president, this year Western Washington chapter members are committed to getting ASHI’s name to local Realtors because many of the inspectors they have been recommending no are longer in business.
Hosting ….
Western Washington Chapter held its first combination chapter meeting/seminar at the Medallion Inn, Smokey Point, Washington, on March 7, 2009. More than 50 attendees at the one-day seminar reviewed bylaw revisions and legislative issues, and heard presentations on business development, truss installation, and vinyl, fiber cement and hardboard siding.
Photo submitted by Howard Maxfield.
Thanks for having me!
When I was in the D.C. area with ASHI lobbyist Randy Pence, I was invited to the NOVA ASHI monthly meeting on Tuesday, March 24th. The meeting was well attended by 60 members and guests; the associate corner education seminar was full. NOVA puts on a very good meeting with education for full members and associates. During the meeting, three guests became ASHI members! It was great to be invited and I thank the chapter members for their hospitality. One of the things I noted was how all the members work so well together — no competition, just brotherhood. I have seen this in many of the chapters.
— Bill Richardson, ASHI president
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ASHI offers its members unparalleled resources to advance their careers. ASHI offers training for inspectors at all levels of knowledge and experience, including resources about all major home systems. Members benefit from a vast network of experienced professionals, providing a community for mentorship and knowledge sharing..
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