Celebrate ASHI’s Anniversary in April
With a proud past and a promising future, the Society celebrates 34 years of serving its members, the profession and consumers.
For some, the following highlights will jog memories of additional defining activities, people and events. For others, they will be a revelation.
Those new to the society may be surprised to learn one of ASHI’s earliest gatherings was an educational conference where members pooled their technical expertise and acknowledged the need for home inspection standards.
Sharing expertise, setting standards, then early success using the media to educate the public on the value of home inspections: That’s how members succeed in their vision to define a new profession.
Thirty-five years later, thousands of ASHI members can choose to celebrate ASHI in April and to support the society as it responds to the ever-changing needs of the profession and the consumers.
ASHI Milestones
1976 – Home inspectors meet in White Plaines, NY., appoint officers: Ron Passaro, president and founder; Bill Binns, vice president; Ed Frank, treasurer; and Tom Daly, secretary.
1977 – ASHI incorporates in New York State, with 60 plus members covering Maine to Maryland, as two additional groups — one headed by Dr. Joseph McNeil, PE, the other by Phil Monahon — join ASHI and attend first conference at Rutgers University, “Standards For The Professional Home Inspection.”
1981 – ASHI gets media coverage in Redbook Magazine, Woman’s World and Ladies Home Journal.
1984 – First consumer brochure is published: “The Home Inspection and You,” the same year as the sixth chapter is formed.
1985 – John Cox writes a Standards of Practice column for the ASHI Reporter.
1987 – According to annual meeting minutes, “ASHI has a potential for over 700 voting members within the next six months.”
1988 – ASHI exhibits at NAR® Annual Conference for the first time.
1989 – ASHI enters into an agreement with the California Real Estate Inspector Association, which evolves over the next decade into the ASHI-hosted National Coalition of Home Inspector Associations.
1993 – ASHI relocates to the Chicago area, hires staff.
1994 – ASHI replaces its Bylaws to bring its governance in line with current association practice, which includes a smaller Board of Directors.
1996 – Chapter Leadership Day debuts, and Board approves first-ever Strategic Plan, including a Mission Statement.
1998 – ASHI celebrates buying HQ building with presidents and charter members in attendance.
1999 – The new Examination Board of Professional Home Inspectors assumes responsibility for the National Home Inspector Examination
2000 – ASHI contracts with a federal lobbyist, partners with NAR® on a home inspection study and introduces ASHI@Home
2001 – ASHI celebrates Silver Anniversary with 6,200 members.
2002 – ASHI publishes the first white paper on state home inspector legislation, and establishes a PAC to help supportive political candidates.
2003 – ASHI adopts tagline “We speak house.”
2004 – ASHI Web site redesign connects members with consumers via Find an Inspector search tool and Virtual Home Inspection.
2005 – ASHI goes online with the award-winning ASHI Reporter and speeds member communications via e-mail.
2006 – ASHI marks 30th Anniversary with Member Get a Member recruitment program.
2008 – ASHI, through its federal lobbyist, participates in business and real estate transaction-related policy discussion with the SBA and HUD.
2009 – ASHI’s Certified Inspector Program earns accreditation, and The ASHI Foundation and for-profit ASHI Education, Inc. are formed, including The ASHI School, an ASHI and Casey, O’Malley Associates 50-50 joint venture.
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ASHI offers its members unparalleled resources to advance their careers. ASHI offers training for inspectors at all levels of knowledge and experience, including resources about all major home systems. Members benefit from a vast network of experienced professionals, providing a community for mentorship and knowledge sharing..
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Professional Networking
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