Candidates return to Find an Inspector on

by Edited by ASHI Staff April 1, 2006

Candidates are listed in Find an Inspector on Because Inspectors (Members and Candidates with Logo-Use) appear first in search results, Candidates’ names do not usually appear until users significantly narrow the radius of their zip code search to less than the default 100 miles.

State legislation updates go directly to membership

As a benefit to ASHI membership, ASHI’s Legislative Committee is sending home inspection-related state legislation updates to individuals for their state. The membership usually learns about legislation from chapter leaders. If you don’t belong to a chapter, these e-mails will help keep you informed.

Need help with legislation in your state? Call the Rapid Response Team

Another way ASHI works with chapters and members on legislative issues in the states is through the Rapid Response Team. If you would like someone from national to attend a meeting with a state legislator or to attend or testify at a committee meeting or public hearing, let Bob Kociolek know at With enough lead time (two weeks, if possible), you should be able to get the help you request. Just one more service ASHI provides as part of your membership benefits.

ASHI assisting PA inspectors with state requirements

The State of Pennsylvania has implemented legislation that impacts home inspectors operating in that state. As a member benefit, ASHI will work with its chapters, Candidates and Candidates with Logo Use in the Keystone State to collect information on the number of inspections completed by our membership and to provide a Letter of Credential to those who have achieved this milestone in their business development.

Chapter D & O coverage renewed

The Directors’ & Officers’ Liability Insurance coverage was renewed for another year. The policy term runs from February 8, 2006, through February 7, 2007. This coverage, an ASHI benefit to the chapters, carries $1 million liability with a deductible of $2,500. The policy protects each Chapter’s Board for decisions it makes on behalf of the chapter. If you have questions, contact Dick Bennett,

ASHI Membership Department sets 7,000 goal

Anthony Snyder, ASHI membership & marketing director, says, “What better way to celebrate the Society’s 30th anniversary than with a record-setting membership drive?”

“Some of the new initiatives approved by the ASHI Board are really paying off for us,” he says. “Allowing for the proration of dues up front and our new Member Get a Member recruitment program are helping us to add more inspectors to our ranks each day.”

ASHI needs to add more than 1,200 more inspectors before the end of 2006 —or roughly 133 per month. If you know a good inspector who’d make a good Candidate, or if you know a strong national vendor who’d make a great Affiliate, please send the name and contact information to Anthony Snyder at Or, better yet, download the application for Candidate Membership or Affiliate Membership from the ASHI Web site, documents, to present to the prospect. Don’t forget, special offers remain available to CREIA inspectors, TAREI inspectors, GAHI inspectors and RHI-level inspectors in Canada.

Membership numbers as of 3/7/06
Members: 3,491
C2s: 165
Candidates: 1,916
Retired: 100
Affiliates: 92
Administrative Suspension: 118*
TOTAL: 5,882
* Paid dues, but failed to submit MRCs by 11/28/05.

If you need a list of your chapter members who are on Administrative Suspension, please contact These members have paid dues, but their failure to submit MRCs by 11/28/05 means they no longer receive ASHI benefits and are in danger of being expelled from the membership in September. Please ask these individuals to contact ASHI HQ to help resolve this MRC deficiency.

New The ASHI Experience survey cards in place

Complete with revisions based on feedback from ASHI Inspectors, the new survey cards have an added incentive for customers who choose to provide feedback via the ASHI Web site. The customer’s name is entered in a quarterly $250 Home Depot gift card drawing. To see the survey cards, go to www. ashi org.

To order the new cards in packs of 250, contact Russell Daniels in the ASHI Store at

Go west for 2006 Town Hall Meeting

This year’s annual Town Hall Meeting, held in conjunction with the July Board of Directors meeting, will take place at the Marriott Portland City Center, Portland, Ore., July 14. Plan now to take advantage of the opportunity to meet face to face with ASHI leaders as ASHI holds its first major event in the Northwest.

ASHI Calendar of Events

  • April 2006 National Home Inspection Month
  • April 7-8, 2006, Board Orientation and Board Meeting, Rosemont, Ill.
  • July 14-15, 2006, Town Hall Gathering and Board Meeting, Portland, Ore.
  • October 19-20, 2006, Chapter Leadership Days, Rosemont, Ill.
  • October 21, 2006, Board Meeting, Rosemont, Ill.
  • January 10, 2007, Board Meeting, Disneyland Resort, Anaheim, Calif.
  • January 10-13, 2007, InspectionWorld 2007, Disneyland Hotel, Anaheim, Calif.
  • April 13-14, 2007, Board Orientation and Meeting, Rosemont, Ill.
  • July 13-14, 2007, Town Hall Gathering and Board Meeting, TBD





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ASHI offers its members unparalleled resources to advance their careers. ASHI offers training for inspectors at all levels of knowledge and experience, including resources about all major home systems. Members benefit from a vast network of experienced professionals, providing a community for mentorship and knowledge sharing..

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