Call for Volunteers

by Edited by ASHI Staff October 1, 2007

Joining ASHI demonstrates a home inspector’s willingness to conduct his or her home inspection business in accordance with the ASHI Standards of Practice and Code of Ethics. Your affiliation with ASHI means you are recognized as a leader in your profession.  Now you may want to take the next step by joining other ASHI members as a volunteer leader by serving on a national committee.

ASHI is a member-driven organization and its success is dependent on the willingness of volunteers to serve on its committees and task forces. To learn what’s expected and what’s to be gained, see the Call for Volunteers form that was distributed by e-mail with First Thing and The Inspector newsletters. The form also may be requested by contacting HQ by e-mail (, phone (847-759-2820) or downloaded from here.

2008 Officer Slate Announced

From: Joseph Corsetto, 2008 Officer Nominating Committee Chair

Re: 2008 ASHI Officer Nominees

Date: September 10, 2007

The following is the slate of ASHI Officer Nominees as established by the Officer Nominating Committee at its meeting on Monday, September 10, 2007, at ASHI Headquarters in Des Plaines, Ill.

For 2008 President-Elect: William Richardson, Albuquerque, N.M.
For 2008 Vice President: Charles Gifford,
Jacksonville, Fla.
For 2008 Treasurer: David Tamny,
Columbus, Ohio
For 2008 Secretary: Bill Jacques,
Ravenel, S.C.

The committee wishes to thank all those individuals who submitted nominations for our consideration. The task of establishing a slate of Officers is not an easy one, and we were extremely impressed with the quality of all the nominations submitted.

ASHI Policy requires that the Petition Process be included with this announcement for those who are interested in filing a petition to be placed on the official ballot when it is sent to the voting Members.

The Petition process is as follows:


a. A valid petition, containing the names of a minimum of 10% of the then in good standing ASHI Members submitted to ASHI headquarters, shall cause the name of the qualified Member to be added to the ballot as a Candidate for a specified (named) office. There are currently 3,956 voting members in good standing. Therefore, 396 valid signatures are required for Petition Candidates to be placed on the ballot.

b. Petitions must be presented upon the official form available only from ASHI Headquarters and requires the name (printed) and the signature of each petitioner, as well as the office in which the petitioner would serve, if elected. All petition candidates are required to complete and submit the official Officer Nomination Matrix with their petition. Staff will verify the validity of the petition prior to placing the name of a candidate for office on the ballot.

c. The form must be received by mail or fax at headquarters at least 10 days prior to the distribution of the ballots. The Officer Ballot will be sent via electronic ballot or via paper ballot to the voting Members on October 31, 2007. All petitions with Member signatures must be physically received at ASHI Headquarters no later than 12:00 p.m. (CST), Monday, October 22, 2007.

Anyone interested in obtaining the Petition Form should contact Dick Bennett at Headquarters,

Also, according to the ASHI Policies, the following rules apply to campaigning:


a. Campaigning positively by or about any candidate is permissible, as long as no ASHI assets are used.

b. Staff, Nominating Committee and Election Committee Members shall not participate in campaigning.

c. Nominees or Petition Candidates for an Officer or Board of Director position may purchase mailing labels or lists of qualified voting members’ contact information from Headquarters at cost.

d. Negative campaigning (against candidates or nominees) is not permitted. The Election Committee should preview campaign statements or materials in advance if there is any uncertainty about the appropriateness of their contents.

Should you have any questions or comments on this material, please feel free to contact Richard Bennett or me.

2008 ASHI Officer Nominating Committee:

Joseph Corsetto, chair    
Larry Cerro
Jack Feldman
Steve Gladstone
Tom Lauhon
Howard Pegelow
Bob Pyne
Tim Stull
Mark Londner, alternate

Ballots with the above slate and any petition candidates will be distributed to ASHI Certified Inspectors by Oct. 31, 2007. The election will close Dec. 5, 2007. (Please note; an incorrect date was published last month.)

The results will be published in the January 2008 issue of the ASHI Reporter. Comments and questions about the nomination process are welcome. Please contact Dick Bennett at HQ. E-mail or call 847-954-3183.

Source: Policy and Procedures Manual, Section 25: OFFICER NOMINATION AND ELECTIONS. The manual is available online at in the Membership Extranet, Publications section.

Director Election

The Director Nominating Committee met and reviewed matrices in late September and will present a slate with any petition candidates to Council Representatives by October 31.

Randy West chairs the committee for members John Geiger, Randy Sipe, Robert Sterner and John Vaughn.

To review election, petition and campaigning policies, download the COR Policy and Procedures manual from the ASHI Web site.  Click here.

If you have questions, please contact Bob Kociolek at HQ: , 847-954-3177.

ASHI Chapter Enterprise award

Enrichment, fun, camaraderie, rewards and $750 –The ASHI Chapter Enterprise Award for Participation at InspectionWorld can mean that and more for the members of two chapters who finish at the top of their respective categories. Here are the guidelines for the award.

The ASHI Chapter Enterprise Award for Participation at InspectionWorld has been established by an ASHI Certified Inspector who attributes his personal success as a home inspector and the prosperity of his multi-inspector firm to the ideas and information acquired by regularly attending InspectionWorld for many years. The ASHI Chapter Enterprise Award has been funded by a donation of $15,000, to be invested by ASHI’s staff, and the proceeds used in accordance with these ASHI Chapter Enterprise Award guidelines:

 1. The ASHI Chapter Enterprise Award shall be presented annually at InspectionWorld for ten years or however many years funds remain available, commencing with InspectionWorld 2007. The current ASHI President shall present to each winning ASHI Chapter a Certificate of Appreciation and an award in the amount of $750. The awards shall be presented
at the Annual Destination Luncheon, Business Meeting and Awards Ceremony of InspectionWorld each year.

 2. There shall be awards given for two approximately equal-sized categories. For the 2007 awards and beyond (unless changed by ASHI staff to recognize a new median for chapter size), the categories shall be (i) chapters with 30 members or less, and (ii) chapters with membership of 31 and more. The ASHI chapter in each category with the highest percentage of registration of its members (chapter members shall include ASHI Certified Inspectors and ASHI Associates) to attend InspectionWorld, as determined by the ASHI staff, each shall be awarded the ASHI Chapter Enterprise Award. The award shall be presented to the ASHI chapter president, if in attendance, the COR Representative or other representative of the winning chapters.

 3. The basis for the awards will be the total confirmed reservations for InspectionWorld for each chapter as of close of business the December 31st preceding the date of InspectionWorld. Immediately thereafter, the ASHI staff shall compare the number of registrations for each chapter retrieved from registration forms with the total number of members of that chapter retrieved from the ASHI database to determine the percentage of registration. In case of a tie, ASHI staff shall extend the calculation to the extent necessary to break a tie. If two chapters have identical percents (e.g., 25 of 100 and 50 of 200), two awards will be given that year.

4. No chapter shall receive the $750 award more than once every three years. If an ASHI chapter that was awarded the ASHI Chapter Enterprise Award during the previous two-year period qualifies to receive the award for the current year, that chapter shall be recognized and given a Certificate of Appreciation. The ASHI chapter in that membership category with the second highest percentage of participation of its members at InspectionWorld shall also receive a Certificate of Appreciation and the $750 award.

5. The ASHI staff and the ASHI InspectionWorld Committee may use this award in pre-convention publicity, the ASHI Reporter and other materials to encourage participation by Members and Candidates, and to prompt the COR and the chapters to encourage their members to attend InspectionWorld.

Questions? Contact Bob Kociolek at HQ,

Nominations for awards now closed

Nominations for the Phillip C. Monahon Award and John E. Cox Award closed September 20. The winners will be announced at InspectionWorld New Orleans.

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