Call for Nominations2006 ASHI Officers
2006 ASHI Officers
Attention ASHI Members: Nominations currently are being accepted for the Society Officer positions of President-Elect, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer for 2006.
Any ASHI Member in good standing may be nominated to any office. Self-nominations are permitted, and all nominees must agree to serve if elected. ASHI Nominating and Election Guidelines require that all nominations include a completed Matrix for Evaluating Nominees. The official revised matrix is available on in the Documents section in Members Extranet. The matrix also can be obtained by contacting HQ or on Fax-on-Demand.
A petition of 10 percent of ASHI Members in good standing can cause the name of a qualified ASHI Member to be added to the ballot for a specific office.
As nominations are received at Headquarters, the staff will verify that all nominees have agreed to serve and have submitted the necessary background information, including a response to all matrix questions. Headquarters will verify the nominees’ status as ASHI Members in good standing.
Nominations will close Aug. 31, 2005, and all nomination information will be distributed to the members of the Nominating Committees.
Ballots will be mailed to the Members by Oct. 31, 2005, and the election will close Nov. 30, 2005.
Ballots will be counted the first week in December and election results will be
published in the January 2006 issue of the ASHI Reporter.
Comments and questions about the nomination process are welcome. Please contact ASHI Headquarters.
2006 ASHI Directors
Attention Council of Representatives: Nominations soon will be accepted for five new, non-officer Board members and one alternate for 2006. Nominees shall be Members in good standing who have served a minimum of one year on the Council, the term beginning no later than Oct. 1, 2004. If elected, the Council member must step off the COR and the Chapter will be allowed to fill the vacancy. The Directors Nominating Committee will submit names of possible candidates, and any COR member may submit his/her name or any names as nominees. All candidates must agree to serve and provide background information as required on a matrix that is available from HQ. Nominations are closed Aug. 31, 2005, and the Directors Nominating Committee selects a slate in September. Ballots are then mailed to the COR on Oct. 31, 2005.
If you have questions, please contact Bob Kociolek at HQ:, 847-954-3177.
Notice of ASHI Standards of Practice Hearing
The ASHI Standards Committee held a public hearing at InspectionWorld Albuquerque, on January 16, 2004. There will be another hearing, as required by Policy and Procedures, at the next conference in Fort Lauderdale, Florida in January of 2006.
No proposed changes from the ASHI Membership or the public have been received during the period prescribed by Policy and Procedures for this year (See the Policy & Procedures Manual on the Membership Extranet in ASHI Documents); however, the committee will be making recommended changes to the Board at some point this year in relation to the Strategic Plan. Any substantive changes would be submitted to the Members for a vote.
After the next hearing, the committee will again accept recommended changes to the Standards of Practice from the Membership or interested public for the period of January 1 through March 1 of 2006.
–JD Grewell, ASHI Standards Committee chair
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ASHI offers its members unparalleled resources to advance their careers. ASHI offers training for inspectors at all levels of knowledge and experience, including resources about all major home systems. Members benefit from a vast network of experienced professionals, providing a community for mentorship and knowledge sharing..
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