Call for Nominations for 2012 ASHI Officers and Directors

by Edited by ASHI Staff June 1, 2011

Source: Policy and Procedures Manual, section 15. Available
online at in the Members-Only extranet,
Publications section.

The following ACIs were selected to serve on the Officers Nominating Committee:

Jack Feldmann
Robert Peterson            
Richard Hart
Bill Sutton          
C. Blaine Illingworth III
 Skip Walker
Jory Lannes
Robert Walstead

The Immediate Past-President David Tamny serves as chair.

The committee is accepting nominations for the Society officer
positions of president-elect, vice president, secretary and treasurer
for 2012.

Any ASHI Certified Inspector in good standing may be
nominated to any office. Self-nominations are permitted, and all
nominees must agree to serve if elected. ASHI Nominating and Election
Guidelines require that all nominations include a completed Matrix for
Evaluating Nominees.

The official revised matrix is available
on in the Documents section of the Members-Only
Extranet. The matrix also can be obtained by contacting ASHI

matrices are received at Headquarters, the staff will verify that all
nominees have agreed to serve and have submitted the necessary
background information, including a response to all matrix questions.

Headquarters will verify the nominees’ status as ASHI Certified Inspectors in good standing.

Nominations will close Aug. 15, 2011, and the matrices will be distributed to the members of the Nominating Committee.

Nominating Committee Purpose
objective of the Nominating Committee is to identify and name
candidates who meet ASHI’s leadership requirements for the offices of
president-elect, vice president, secretary and treasurer. All contents,
discussions and documents from the meetings and their results are
strictly confidential.

After the
Nomination Committee names its candidates, a petition of 10 percent of
ASHI Certified Inspectors in good standing can cause the name of a
qualified ASHI Certified Inspector to be added to the ballot for a
specific office.

Petitions must be presented on a special form
available only from ASHI Headquarters and require the name (printed)
and the signature of each petitioner, as well as the office in which
the petitioner would serve, if elected. The form must be received by
mail or fax at headquarters at least 10 days prior to the distribution
of the ballots. Staff will verify the validity of the petition prior to
placing the name of a candidate for office on the ballot.

Ballots will be mailed to ASHI Certified Inspectors by Oct. 31, 2011, and the election will close Nov. 30, 2011.

to the Policy and Procedures Manual, campaigning positively by or about
any candidate is permissible as long as no ASHI assets are used. Staff,
Nominating Committee and Election Committee members shall not
participate in campaigning. Nominees or petition candidates for an
officer or Board of Director position may purchase mailing labels or
lists of qualified voting members’ contact information from
Headquarters at cost. Negative campaigning (against candidates or
nominees) is not permitted. The Election Committee should preview
campaign statements or materials in advance if there is any uncertainty
about the appropriateness of their contents.  

Ballots will be counted the first week in December and election results will be published in the January 2012 issue of the ASHI Reporter.

Comments and questions about the nomination process are welcomed. Please contact ASHI Headquarters.

2012 ASHI Directors

The following council representatives were selected to serve on the Directors Nominating Committee:

Jay Balin
Jim Rooney
Jerry Santangini
Bob Sisson

Group Leader Lisa Alajajian Giroux was appointed to chair the committee.

Nominations are being accepted for five new, non-officer Board
members and one alternate for 2012. Nominees shall be ASHI Certified
Inspectors in good standing who have served a minimum of one year on
the Council of Representatives, the term beginning no later than Oct.
1, 2010. Nominees must be on the council during the election process,
up until the time the ballots are counted. If elected, the council
member must step off the council and the chapter will be allowed to
fill the vacancy.

The Directors Nominating Committee will
submit names of possible candidates, and any COR member may submit
his/her name or any names as nominees. All candidates must agree to
serve and provide background information, as required on a matrix that
is available from HQ. Nominations close Aug. 15, 2011, and the
Directors Nominating Committee selects a slate in September. Ballots
then are mailed to the COR on
Oct. 31, 2011.

If you have questions, please contact Jeff Arnold at HQ,

Did You Know ASHI Has a Membership Program for Multi-Inspector Offices? 

Do you have three or more ASHI members in your office? Have you been waiting to sign up more inspectors from your office?  Did you know ASHI has a multi-inspector program? If you answered yes to any of these questions, please send a list of your inspectors to Sarah Walsh ( for more information.

 Here’s the criteria for the program:

1)  ASHI will receive one form of payment for all employees.

2) To qualify, all must be based out of one office. If your company has multiple offices, contact Sarah Walsh.

3) Each employee is required to submit a continuing education form.

4) Each employee will need to sign a statement saying he/she agrees to follow the ASHI Standards of Practice.

This is the perfect time to sign up anyone in your office who is not yet an ASHI member.

CE Audit Completed

staff is charged with conducting an audit of Continuing Education (CE)
hours every January. A list of ACIs and Associates was randomly
generated from the database, including at least one member from each
chapter. Inspectors who failed to verify by March 31 were placed on
administrative suspension.

Questions? Contact Sarah Walsh 847-954-3180 at HQ or

Voluntary Standards Accepted and Available

new voluntary standards of practice covering residential pool and spa
inspections and predrywall inspections are available for members to
download from the Members Only Downloads and Forms section of the
website and also in the Publications section.

ASHI Mission Statement

To set and promote standards for property inspections and to provide the educational programs needed to achieve excellence in the profession.

Current ASHI Membership

ASHI Certified Inspectors: 3,431
Associates/Logo: 128
Associates: 1,458
Retired Members: 108
Affiliates: 79
Total: 5,207

ASHI Calendar of Events

  • July 29-30, 2011, Board Meeting, Rosemont, Ill..
  • Oct. 20-21, 2011, Leadership Training  Conference, Rosemont, Ill.
  • Oct. 22, 2011, Board Meeting, Rosemont, Ill.
  • Jan. 4-7, 2012, InspectionWorld, Phoenix, Ariz.
  • Jan. 13-16, 2013, InspectionWorld, Las Vegas, NV

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