Bylaw Votes Misses Required Supermajority

by Edited by ASHI Staff June 1, 2010

Changes to the ASHI Bylaws require that a majority of ASHI’s voting members participate and that two-thirds of those voting (66.7 percent) approve the change.

Fifty-four percent of eligible voters cast ballots on the proposed changes to the Bylaws specifying how the Society is governed, but only 62.6 percent voted for the proposed amendments, falling short of the required supermajority.

Of the 1,888 votes cast, 62.6 percent were in favor of adopting the changes, and 37.4 percent were against.

Voting closed at 5:00 PM (CDT) on Monday, April 19, 2010, with the totals counted and verified by Alden E. Gibson, ASHI secretary, on April 22.

The results were announced and discussed at the April 23, 2010, ASHI Board meeting. The Board established a Governance Task Force to study the implications of the vote and to return with further recommendations at the July Board meeting.

David Tamny, ASHI president, suggested that members with questions or comments contact him at

2011 ASHI Officers

Attention ASHI Certified Inspectors: From April 30 through August 16, 2010, the Society is accepting nomination matrix forms for the officer positions of President-Elect, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer for 2011.

Any ASHI Certified Inspector (ACI) in good standing may be nominated to any office. Self-nominations are permitted, and all nominees must agree to serve if elected. ASHI Nominating and Election Guidelines require that all nominations include a completed Matrix for Evaluating Nominees.

The official matrix is available on in the Documents section of the Members Only Extranet. The matrix also can be obtained by contacting ASHI headquarters by phone, 847-759-2820, or e-mail,

As nominations are received at HQ, the staff will verify that all nominees have agreed to serve and have submitted the necessary background information, including a response to all matrix questions. HQ will verify the nominees’ status as ACIs in good standing.

Nominations will close Aug. 16, 2010, and all nomination information will be distributed to the following members of the Officers Nominating Committee:

John Biegalski,
Ed Massart,
Jack Feldmann,
Phillip Smith,
Scott Dalbey,
Shannon Cory,
Bill Sutton
Keven Kossler

A petition of 10 percent of ACIs in good standing can cause the name of a qualified ACI to be added to the ballot for a specific office (see P&P 15.A2).

Ballots will be e-mailed or mailed to ACIs by Nov. 1, 2010, and the election will close Dec. 6, 2010.

Ballots will be counted the first week in December and election results will be published in the January 2011 issue of the ASHI Reporter.

Comments and questions about the nomination process are welcome. Please contact ASHI at

2011 ASHI Directors

Attention Council of Representatives: Nominations are being accepted for five new, non-officer Board members and one alternate for 2011. Board members serve for three years; five new and one alternate are elected each year.

Nominees shall be ASHI Certified Inspectors in good standing who have served a minimum of one year on the Council, the term beginning no later than Oct. 1, 2009. If elected, the Council member must step off the CoR and the chapter will be allowed to fill the vacancy.

The Directors Nominating Committee will submit names of possible candidates, and any CoR member may submit his/her name or any names as nominees.

All candidates must agree to serve and provide background information, as required. The official matrix is available on in the Documents section of the Members Only Extranet. The matrix also can be obtained by contacting ASHI headquarters by phone, 847-759-2820, or e-mail,

Nominations close Aug. 16, 2010, and the following members of the Directors Nominating Committee select a slate in September:

Stanley Yensick,
Jory Lannes,
Sergio Angione
JD Grewell

Ballots are e-mailed or mailed to council representatives on Nov. 1, 2010.

Comments and questions about the nomination process are welcome. Please contact ASHI at

April 23, 2010, ASHI Board of Directors Meeting Report Out

This is a report to the membership of the official actions taken during the Board of Directors meeting held on April 23, 2010, in Rosemont, Ill. These are not the official meeting minutes, as discussion items and withdrawn and failed motions are not included. The official minutes of this meeting will be presented for Board approval at its next meeting, July 24, 2010, in Rosemont, Ill.

We encourage you to review this report in order to be fully informed of actions taken on your behalf by the ASHI Board. Should you have questions about any of these items, you are encouraged to contact any member of the Board of Directors to discuss.

(NOTE: Contact information for the Board is available in every issue of the ASHI Reporter, and in the Online Membership Directory.)

Approval of Minutes

Minutes for the January 17, 2010, Board meeting and March 2, 2010, conference call were reviewed and approved by the Board.

Motions Approved

Finance Committee/Treasurer Report
A report dated January 6, 2010, was given by Pat Melvin CPA from Desmond Ahern on ASHI’s audit. Mr. Melvin reported that the certified audit for the period of October 1, 2008, to September 30, 2009, was unqualified. The audit was approved.

A motion to allow a multi-inspector firm dues category was presented and approved. Each branch office would be required to have one full member, whereas the remainder would be (at least) Associate members (per policy 3.10A.4.h). The dues would be structured as follows: Each branch office with 3-5 members would receive a 5 percent discount, 6-10 members would receive a 10 percent discount, 11-50 members would receive a 15 percent discount and 51+ members would receive a 20 percent discount.

A second motion was presented by the Membership Committee to approve chapter roster verification. Each chapter must submit its current chapter roster to ASHI headquarters by the beginning of July for verification with the national database. Any chapter that has not complied with this motion by the July 1 deadline will lose its CoR representation until valid chapter rosters have been submitted and verified by ASHI headquarters. This motion was approved.

Chapter Task Force

A motion was made to suspend policy 7.1.A. and procedure 7.1.B until the Chapter Task Force has reported at the July 24, 2010, Board of Directors meeting. This motion was approved.


A motion was made and approved to create a Governance Task Force to be co-chaired by Paul Staron, Board representative, and Howard Pegelow, speaker of the CoR. Its task is to revisit the governance motions from the January 17, 2010, Board meeting and bring back new recommendations to the Board at the July 24, 2010, Board meeting.

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