Bylaw Changes & Volunteering

by Alden E. Gibson October 1, 2015

In August, the voting results regarding the proposed bylaw changes were witnessed by Larry Cerro, ASHI Secretary. The results overwhelmingly supported amending the bylaws by a vote
of 1,009 votes (95%) in favor and 56 (5%) opposed.

The huge support is greatly appreciated by the ASHI Board and believe me, these types of changes are not quick. In fact, about
20 years ago, there was a vote to reduce the number of Directors from 54 to 21. Then in 2004, there was a suggestion for a further reduction, taking the Board down to 15, but that suggestion did not fly. With the results of the August 2015 vote, the Board will be
reduced by three directors over a three-year period (by reducing
the Board by one Director each year for the next three years),
ultimately arriving at a Board of 18 members. As a part of this change, the Past-President will become an ex officio member of the Board with no voting privileges. This will keep a balance between the officers and the Directors.

Another benefit of this change is that there will now be just 26 people at the Board table, compared with the 29 that we now have. This means a bit more elbow room, a little less debate and a slightly faster-moving Board. It also means that, with the smaller number of people, ASHI will be able to hold Board meetings in the Chicago office rather than having to incur the added expense of renting a larger facility. In July, the ASHI Board meeting was held in our Chicago building, with 29 people in attendance. It was a bit tight and, at times, it was difficult to hear the discussion, but all in all the meeting went very well. For future meetings, a speaker system will solve the hearing problem. Hosting Board meetings at our own building results in a savings of $750 per meeting. I thank the Board for their cooperation throughout this transition.

Please remember that this group of people is your Board of Directors, elected by your votes, serving and working for the Society with your
best interests in mind. Through the Board, the
10 Council of Representative (COR) Regions,
and a Group Leader in each Region, there is
representation for both chapter members
and non-chapter members.

If you or your chapter has suggestions for improvements
within ASHI, please give the Board your feedback.

Getting involved is easy. Simply go to the ASHI website ( and click on Members-Only at the top of the home page. In that drop-down menu, choose Downloads and forms and you will see a message thanking you for visiting the page. Next, click on ASHI documents and forms (on the right-hand side of the page, under the header Links at the top of the blue section). Select Call For Volunteers from the bulleted list. This will pull up
a three-page PDF with three pages of information:

  • Page 1: Help Shape ASHI’s Future. This section details the benefits of being an ASHI volunteer, expectations of serving, time commitments and the costs involved.
  • Page 2: ASHI Committee Opportunities and Other Ways To Serve. This page provides general descriptions of the work each committee does.
  • Page 3: Call for Volunteers. This is an application form to serve on ASHI committees and outlines information required by staff
    to review position openings.
  • Please complete a new-volunteer form every
    year, as your qualifications and interests may change over time. Please do not get discouraged if you are not selected for a committee on the
    first try. There are limits to the total number of committee members for each committee. Being
    on a committee is an opportunity to gain knowledge and will help ensure success in the home inspection industry.

    On until next month—work safely.

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