Busman’s Holiday


While on vacation this March in Punta Cana, I happened to look up at my palapa hut and found live termites in the frame. I’m supposed to be on vacation, away from this stuff.

Ron Cook
Close-Up Home Inspections
Hopedale, Mass.

Living on the edge
This is a picture of my client’s present home, which he is leaving. There’s about 6 feet between the house and a 100-foot-drop to the ocean. In the last 8 years, he has lost 25 feet of frontage.

Guy Occhino
Sherman Home Inspections, Inc.
Attleboro, Mass.

Good to the last drop
This homemade recessed light fixture, 1 of 12, was found while trying to figure out why the recessed lights in the basement were burning out.

Glenford Blanc
GBA Inc.
Hattsville, Md.

Test cat
This cat kept following us around and decided to sit down in the path of the garage door opener safety beam. He was hesitant to move.

Thomas Caron
Northeast Inspection Services
Portland, Maine

Flammable furnace pan
This is recycling, Alaskan-style. Pressboard makes a great furnace pan! Yes, it’s pretty stupid, but I’m sure the owner is saying it hasn’t caught fire, yet.

Jim Foss
Best Inspection, Inc.
Anchorage, Alaska

The rent is overdue
There was a BIG surprise when we reached the attic. We’re pretty sure whoever is living in there isn’t paying rent!

Neil & Lana Maloney
Maloney Home Inspection Inc.
Montreal, QC

No anchovies, please
This is a working phone in an attic. After a hard day of working in the attic, installing an exhaust fan and putting in insulation, time to call for a pizza!

Joe & Nancy Janosz
Pro-Team Property Inspections
Wesley Chapel, Fla.

Cute, but deadly
This is from a lake-front property, a handyman’s special. The 24-inch-high railing is cute, but deadly. Under the deck, the joist hangers were never nailed properly and have pulled out of the hangers at several locations. This deck could have collapsed with a single person on it.

David J. Roth
Advisor Home Inspection LLC
Hollis, N.H.

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