Breaking news and monthly news bulletin available to full Membership on
In the past, local leaders were encouraged to pass along First Thing, a news bulletin faxed to leadership 11 times a year, to local Membership. Now anyone with access to Members Only on can read First Thing for themselves the first of every month, February through December. First Thing is also e-mailed to leadership, but the Web site provides the quickest, most convenient and by far the most cost effective method of distributing news bulletins, as well as breaking news items.
Contact HQ to reserve a booth or rent a list
The ASHI exhibit booth is available to chapters for shipping and insurance – to Members for a reasonable fee. The booth is in demand, so submit your reservation form as soon as you know about an event to ensure it will be available. Contact Russell at HQ – – for details.
Need contact information?
Mailing lists with contact information on ASHI Membership and ASHI Prospects are available to ASHI Chapters for official Chapter business at no cost.
The standard mail list includes the individual’s name and address only. More detailed information is available only at special request. This includes telephone and fax numbers as well as ASHI Chapter affiliation (if applicable). We are unable, however, to release email addresses. We are also unable to provide contact information for those in the Membership who have specifically requested not to be included in our mail list rental program. Chapters, here’s how to obtain this information for official business.
1. Contact Yvonne Romanowski at ASHI HQ 847-759-2820,
2. Request the Label Rental Information and Agreement for ASHI Chapters.
3. Complete and return the Label Rental Agreement Form with a sample of your mailing for ASHI to review, along with any special requests for contact information and geographic area of coverage.
4. Allow three weeks delivery time for actual mailing labels and computer disks. If information is to be emailed, allow 10 business days from the date request is received.
ASHI Headquarters also provides extensive information to each Chapter President every month. This material includes full contact information for all new Members, Candidates and Prospects for the previous month, broken out
by state.
Mark your calendar
• April 19-20, 2002, Board of Directors meeting and orientation, Chicago Ill.
• July 12-13, 2002, Board of Directors meeting and town hall gathering, Phoenix, Ariz.
• October 25, 2002, Chapter Leadership Day, Chicago, Ill.
• October 26, 2002, Board of Directors meeting, Chicago, Ill.
• January 15, 2003, Board of Directors meeting, Orlando, Fla.
To Read the Full Article
ASHI offers its members unparalleled resources to advance their careers. ASHI offers training for inspectors at all levels of knowledge and experience, including resources about all major home systems. Members benefit from a vast network of experienced professionals, providing a community for mentorship and knowledge sharing..
In this Issue
Professional Networking
Grow your professional network, find a mentor, network with the best, and best part of the community that’s making home inspection better every day.