Board met in April
Friday, April 13 was Board Orientation day, followed on Saturday by the first Board meeting for the new officers and directors. A report highlighting what occurred during the meeting is posted on, Membership Extranet, Publications section.
Nominating Committees set
The Council of Representatives elected the following members to the Nominating Committees:
Officers Nominating Committee
Cheryll Brown
Jack Feldmann
Howard Pegelow
Tom Lauhon
Robert Pyne
Larry Cerro
Tim Stull
Steve Gladstone
Alternate: Mark Londner
Directors Nominating Committee
Randy Wes, chair
John Geiger
Randy Sipe
Robert Sterner
John Vaughn
ASHI Certified Inspectors and ASHI Associates replace Members and Candidates
The Web site continues to be updated, replacing the previous member category names with the new ones. Printed material will be changed as current supplies are exhausted.
Chapter Bylaws
ASHI chapters should update their chapter bylaws to reflect the membership category name changes. This is considered an administrative “housekeeping” change and should not require a vote of the chapter membership. No review or approval by HQ or legal counsel is required to make these changes.
Reaching out to chapter presidents
Want to know what ASHI is doing for you? Want to tell us what’s going on in your chapter and how we can help? Starting this month, ASHI Director of Chapter Relations and State Affairs Bob Kociolek (847-954-3177) will be calling each chapter president to check in and chat. It’s your opportunity to find out what’s going on and to relay your issues and concerns to your leadership. So, when the phone rings, pick up please!
Chapter Presidents receive D&O insurance information
Chapter presidents were notified of a change in the funding of D&O insurance for the chapters and were asked to consider this change as they discussed chapter budgets. If the presidents have questions about the change, they are encouraged to contact Richard Bennet, 847-954-3183 or
SIX Smart Track Chapter Modules now available
Are you looking for a technical presentation developed specifically for home inspectors for an upcoming chapter meeting? Six Smart Track Chapter modules (slide presentation with instructor notes) are now available. To gain access for your chapter, contact Michael Long at or by phone at 847-954-3188.
To log in to Smart Track using the login and password you received via e-mail and mail, go to the Membership Extranet/Resources/Education and Training and look for Smart Track.
Chapter Calendars just a click away
Is your chapter struggling to get members to attend meetings? We can help. Did you know that all chapters have calendars on the ASHI Web site to announce chapter events? Your members can look at their own calendar and the calendars of other chapters to see what’s going on. To use your chapter calendar, you need to appoint a calendar administrator. Contact Bob Kociolek at or 847-954-3177 to get your calendar going or to resolve questions or issues.
Current Membership Numbers
ASHI Certified Inspectors: 3,712
ASHI Associates with logo use: 177
ASHI Associates: 1,734
Affiliates: 98
Retired Members: 128
Membership Total: 5,849
Chapter Presidents: If you need a list of chapter members who have paid dues, but are on administrative suspension for failure to submit MRCs, please contact Kate Zarko at
Member Get A Member
The membership reward program continues, offering $50 to every Associate, Associate with Logo Use and ASHI Certified Member who refers a new Associate.
It’s easy. Just have the Associate you’ve brought to ASHI fill in your name and member # on the application form where it says…
This new Associate has been referred for membership by: ________
ASHI calendar of events
• July 13-14, 2007, Town Hall Gathering and Board Meeting, Pittsburgh, Pa.
• Oct. 19-20, 2007, Chapter Leadership Day and Board Meeting, Rosemont, Ill.
• Jan. 16, 2008, Board Meeting, New Orleans, La.
• Jan. 16-19, InspectionWorld, Hilton Riverside, New Orleans, La.
To Read the Full Article
ASHI offers its members unparalleled resources to advance their careers. ASHI offers training for inspectors at all levels of knowledge and experience, including resources about all major home systems. Members benefit from a vast network of experienced professionals, providing a community for mentorship and knowledge sharing..
In this Issue
Professional Networking
Grow your professional network, find a mentor, network with the best, and best part of the community that’s making home inspection better every day.