Board Addresses Candidates, Standards and Other Issues

by Edited by ASHI Staff March 1, 2006

In its last meeting before the installation of new officers and directors, the ASHI board approved the return of Candidates to the online Find an Inspector function, and okayed presenting the revised Standards of Practice to the Members for a vote.

The change to the Web site’s Find an Inspector search function was quickly made, and the vote on revisions to the Standards of Practice took place in February.

To learn more about these issues, as well as others that came before the Board of Directors, download Report Out from the ASHI Web site.

New Recruitment Program For Chapters: Member Get a Member

It’s an exciting opportunity for current members of the Society to help ASHI grow by recommending other inspectors for Candidate membership. A current ASHI Member or Candidate is our single best asset. A happy and satisfied Member or Candidate can speak to the benefits of membership in a way that no brochure or call from ASHI HQ can. To learn more click here.

Council Representatives: Nominating Committees election closes March 31
From February 28 to end-of-business day March 31, Council Representatives are voting electronically to choose those who will serve on two important committees.

The Officers Nominating Committee presents a slate of officers to Members, and the Directors Nominating Committee presents a slate of directors to Council Representatives.

2006 Committee Work Plans approved and distributed

ASHI’s 2006 Work Plan was assembled and accepted during InspectionWorld. The plan identifies the strategic priorities for the year ahead, and is to be followed closely by staff and committees. A copy was e-mailed to the 2006 chairs.

Membership numbers as of 1/27/06

Members: 3,449
C2s: 176
Candidates: 1,846
Retired: 100
Affiliates: 90
Administrative Suspension: 140*
TOTAL: 5,801
* Paid dues, but failed to submit MRCs by 11/28/05.

If you need a list of your Chapter members who are on administrative
suspension, please contact These members have paid dues, but their failure to submit MRCs by 11/28/05 means they no longer receive ASHI benefits and are in danger of being expelled from the membership in September. Please ask these individuals to contact ASHI HQ to help resolve this MRC deficiency.

New The ASHI Experience Customer Service Survey Cards

In January, ASHI rolled out new The ASHI Experience survey cards, designed to be given to consumers by Members and C2 Inspectors at the end of the inspection. The new cards have improved questions, and consumers are directed to complete the survey online at

In an effort to boost the number of consumers who complete the survey, they are being asked to complete the post-inspection evaluation online for a chance to be entered in a quarterly drawing to win a $250 Home Depot Gift Card.

To obtain a supply of these new cards, contact And remember, you don’t need to hand out the survey cards in order to direct consumers to complete a survey of your performance. Send them to, and you’ll see how consumers rate you almost immediately.

Call for papers

Even as attendees are still appreciating the educational value of this year’s InspectionWorld, ASHI is looking toward next year. For general information about being chosen to deliver an educational session in 2007, contact Angela Orlando,

Signs, signs and more signs in the ASHI store

Vinyl decals, magnetic and static cling signs to help you promote your affiliation with ASHI are now for sale in the online store. The corporate ASHI logo vinyl decals and magnetic signs are 12″x 12″ squares. The ASHI Experience vinyl decals and magnetic signs are 9″x 24″. Also available are 6″x 6″ static cling signs. Visit the online store or call Russell K. Daniels at 847-954-3185 for pricing.

ASHI calendar of events

  • April 7-8, 2006, Board Orientation and Board Meeting, Rosemont, Ill.
  • July 14-15, 2006, ASHI Town Hall Meeting and Board meeting,  Portland, Ore.
  • October 19-20, 2006, Chapter Leadership Days, Rosemont, Ill.
  • October 21, 2006, Board Meeting, Rosemont, Ill.
  • January 10, 2007, Board Meeting, Disneyland Resort, Anaheim, Calif.
  • January 10-13, 2007, InspectionWorld, Disneyland Resort, Anaheim, Calif.

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