Bits and Pieces From the End-of-Summer Files
“This is not Frank Les and I did not approve this message”: About a month ago, I received several phone calls from members who had received text messages saying, “Hi, (name), this is Frank Lesh, Executive Director of ASHI.” The text went on to talk about certification and how important it was and how it separated ASHI inspectors from the rest of the pack. (Okay, so far so good). But then “my” message mentioned money and how it costs 7000$ (sic) to maintain each member and that “I” was asking for payment from the member. On closer examination, it also appeared that the language pattern used might not have come from the sort of native English speaker that I am.
I assured everyone who called me that, unfortunately, they had been subjected to a scam. The same day, we sent out a note on First Thing, ASHI’s monthly newsletter, to let everyone know that the message was false. Be assured, ASHI will never ask you for money, other than when it’s time for you to pay your membership dues or, perhaps, to invite you to contribute to InspectPac to support our lobbying efforts in Washington, D.C.
I think we all know by now that the Internet is full of scams and that those who produce these scams are getting more sophisticated all the time. So, please be wary and keep your radar up. If you have any inkling that an email, text or phone call from ASHI is not authentic, please send a quick note to ASHI HQ via our website contact page ( or to me directly ( We will clarify things easily.
Inspectors gather for a fab FABI conference: As I write this message, I’m flying back from a wonderful conference of the Florida Association of Building Inspectors (FABI) in Safety Harbor, FL. It was great to see more than 200 inspectors learning about moisture and its effect on our housing stock. FABI leaders invited Dr. Joe Lstiburek, a renowned expert on the results of poor construction techniques and practices that plague our buildings. I first heard Dr. Joe speak in 1989, when I attended my first ASHI International Conference (that’s what InspectionWorld® was called back then). I was impressed then, and I am still impressed almost 30 years later. Dr. Joe organizes complex topics into easily digestible bites that inspectors can consume. Kudos to the FABI leaders on the commitment to put together a great educational seminar. Special thanks to Manny Gonzalez, FABI’s educational chair.
Kevin Koplar, Jeff Clair, Jean Anne Baker, Ray Biron, Ralph Cabal, Randy Sipe, Frank Lesh and Manny Gonzalez at the family conference, The Safety Harbor Resort and Conference Center.
On to InspectionWorld®! A topic I’ve written about recently is continuing to ripen this summer and will blossom in the next few weeks. If you haven’t guessed, it’s the prized fruit of one of the main efforts ASHI produces—namely, InspectionWorld® Orlando 2018. We teased you about it in the center spread of the July issue of the Reporter. But rather than me drone on and on about how exciting IW will be, just go to the ASHI website ( and select the IW icon in the lower right corner to view something we’ve never done before. Let me know what you think.
Speaking of InspectionWorld®, we have a couple of winners who will receive a fully paid registration for IW this year. Jerry Simmons from Atlanta won for sending in his bylaw change ballot, and Willie Garcia, Jr. won the drawing at the FABI summer conference in Safety Harbor, FL.
Willie Garcia, Jr. won the drawing at the FABI summer conference in Safety Harbor, FL
Last month, I mentioned that I’d talk about the disco craze, Ted Drewes ice cream and Don Norman in this issue. So, here’s the scoop…. (sorry, editorially censored).
To Read the Full Article
ASHI offers its members unparalleled resources to advance their careers. ASHI offers training for inspectors at all levels of knowledge and experience, including resources about all major home systems. Members benefit from a vast network of experienced professionals, providing a community for mentorship and knowledge sharing..
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Professional Networking
Grow your professional network, find a mentor, network with the best, and best part of the community that’s making home inspection better every day.