BHG Shares Positive Opinion with Thousands

by Edited by ASHI Staff July 1, 2005

ASHI was the lead story in an e-newsletter from Better Homes and Gardens to more than 200,000 opt-in subscribers on May 18, 2005.

Greg Cook, Senior Editor,, wrote, “Recently, the American Society of Home Inspectors (ASHI) was in town, and I had the opportunity to meet the president and go on an actual home inspection with Jon White, an ASHI member in Des Moines, Iowa.”

As Cook explained the importance of having a home inspection, he encouraged readers to use the link provided to try the Virtual Home Inspection on the ASHI Web site. 

This positive message was possible because of the outstanding support the ASHI membership in Iowa provided for the Society’s media tour to Meredith Corporation, a media company that specializes in home-related publications and broadcast outlets.

Here and there

On June 2, New Hampshire public television’s program, “NH Outlook,” broadcast a program titled “Outlook on Money: Refinancing.” The last eight minutes of the program focused on home inspections. ASHI Member, Paul Maida, Maida Services, Inc., Andover, Mass., was the featured home inspector.

An article and photos in the May 28 St. Petersburg Times (Fla.) appeared as a result of coverage of the SunTech New Home Inspection Workshop, presented by ASHI’s Suncoast Chapter. A press release issued by the chapter, discussing
home inspection regulation and ASHI’s views on proposed legislation, appeared in the same newspaper May 21.

ASHI Member Steve Mirowski, Mirowski Home Inspections, Springfield, Mo., was the guest columnist in the May 16-22, Springfield Business Journal. His column, “Home inspection provides buyer with peace of mind,” covered the inspector’s role and qualifications.

On May 19, WMAQ TV aired an on-site inspection ASHI Vice president Frank Lesh, Home Sweet Home Inspection Co., Indian Head Park, Ill., performed for Lisa Parker of Target 5: Cold Reality.

ASHI Members Arthur Lazerow, Alban Home Inspection Service Inc., Bethesda, Md., and Brian Koepf, Brian Koepf & Associates, Reston, Md., contributed to “Radon testing falls victim to hot market,” published in the HomeGuide section of The Washington Times. The article also appeared online May 13.
ASHI Member Michael D. Conley, Straight Inspection Service, Anna Maria, Fla., spoke to a group of 50 independent insurance agents. He explained what it meant to be an ASHI Member, and reported on the state of the home inspection industry in Florida, as well as ASHI’s collaboration with the Institute of Business and Home Safety (IBHS) and the insurance industry to developing a standard protocol for insurance inspections.

Four new ASHI press releases in May

During May, two press releases were distributed via MarketWire and PR Web Online National News Distributors, and two were distributed to news services, syndicates, freelancers, regional real estate editors and real estate editors at national daily newspapers via e-mal. All four are posted on the ASHI Web site in the media and publicity section.

More than 170 of ASHI’s previous press releases appeared in print during May. Circulation for the 170 publications is 10,180,472.

PSAs still going strong

ASHI’s public service announcements continue to be played. Through May 31, there have been 825 radio airings, resulting in 8,239,198 impressions, with $163,865 in media value. The PSAs were broadcast nationwide from Boston, Md. to Los Angeles, Calif. and from Idaho Falls, Idaho to Macon, Ga., and Ft. Smith, Ark.,
The TV PSA was broadcast 34,985 times, for 192,152,600 impressions and a media value of $1,453,328. Markets included Bend, Ore; Columbus, Ohio; and Houston, Texas.

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