Benefits of ASHI Membership

by Edited by ASHI Staff April 1, 2013


Benefits of ASHI Membership? Click on the New Red Button

It’s easy to take for granted or overlook the value of belonging to ASHI. Now, it’s easy to be sure you’re not missing any of the benefits. There’s a new button on the website that will take you to a list. The list will continue to grow as new benefits are identified. Check it today and in the future. Take advantage of all ASHI offers you.   

Vote to Strengthen ASHI’s Future

On April 8, a ballot was sent to ASHI’s voting members requesting their approval of changes to the membership categories designed to strengthen and promote the growth of the society.

The ASHI Certified Inspector (ACI) category remains the same. To learn more about the proposed Bylaw change, which is supported by the Board of Directors and the Council of Representatives, see Page 24 and send your questions to

CE Audit Underway

ASHI staff is charged with conducting an annual audit of Continuing Education (CE) hours.  

A list of 300-400 ACIs and Associates was randomly generated from the ASHI database, including at least one member from each chapter.

Members were notified to turn in documentation by March 31 supporting the CE hours they claimed. Certificates of completion, invoices and certificates of attendance are accepted.

If the documentation does not verify the required number of hours, the inspector will be placed on administrative suspension until he or she submits the proper documentation.

Standards of Practice
ASHI Standards Committee Asks for Input

The Standards Committee is beginning a review of the ASHI Standards of Practice for home inspections and welcomes proposals for revisions. All the information is here, including a PDF of the proposed Standard and the rationale. To submit your proposal, please email Bruce Barker, the committee chair, at

View and Download IW 2013 Photos No Charge

The professional photos from this year’s InspectionWorld (IW) conference in Las Vegas are now available online. Photos are available for free download and instructions on how to do so are located on each picture’s webpage. Go to and use the link for photos,

Council Reps: Voted

Council representatives voted electronically on the members of the Officer and of the Director Nominating Committees. The matrices of those who volunteered to serve on the two committees were distributed February 28. Balloting closed March 21.

For more information on the current election process, see section 10 of the Council Policy and Procedure manual.

ASHI Mission Statement

To set and promote standards for property inspections and to provide the educational programs needed to achieve excellence in the profession.

Current ASHI Membership

ASHI Certified Inspectors: 3,268
Associates/Logo: 82
Associates: 1,265
Retired Members: 112
Affiliates: 75
Total: 4,802

ASHI Event Calendar

  • April 19-20, 2013, ASHI Board Meeting , Rosemont, Ill.
  • July 26-27, 2013, ASHI Board Meeting, Rosemont, Ill.
  • Oct. 18-19, 2013, ASHI Board Meeting, Rosemont, Ill.
  • January 12-15, 2014, InspectionWorld, Nashville, Tenn.
  • January 6-9, 2015, InspectionWorld Philadelphia, Pa.

To Read the Full Article

ASHI offers its members unparalleled resources to advance their careers. ASHI offers training for inspectors at all levels of knowledge and experience, including resources about all major home systems. Members benefit from a vast network of experienced professionals, providing a community for mentorship and knowledge sharing..

Learn More About Membership »

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