ASHI’s Promo Off to a Fast Start
This year’s paid-placement article, “Five rules for buying a foreclosure or short sale with confidence,” appeared the same day it was released in the Bowling Green Daily News, the Las Vegas Review-Journal and Gulf Coast News
Many news organizations subscribe to a content-distribution service. Once a year, ASHI provides the service with an article on a current topic designed to catch the eye of editors nationwide.
Last year’s article was picked up for months in big markets and small. Because these articles appear as editorial content, rather than advertising, they have credibility with the readers.
Watch for this year’s article to appear in your market, online or in print, in the months to come.
The paid-placement article is one way your public relations program is working for you, spreading the word about the need for inspections and ASHI inspectors.
Loden, Ryan and Corsetto appear on the small screen
ASHI members also take the time to promote ASHI when the opportunity arises. Recently, three members were tapped by their local media to serve as subject-matter experts.
Brendan Ryan appeared in “Expert Tips to Keep Your Deck Safe,” broadcast by CBS Pitttsburgh.
Joe Corsetto, ASHI past-president, answered the call when wanted to know “What to expect from a home inspection” as part of its “ASK the experts” video series.
And, Bill Loden, ASHI vice-president, taped a segment for whnt.19News and (the local CBS affiliate station) on “Important safety news about smoke detectors” as part of National Home Safety Month and Fire Safety Tips. Loden asked that ASHI members recommend the video using WHNT19 News’ Facebook recommend-button to encourage the station to ask him back.
The best place to view these videos is using links on ASHI’s Facebook Fan page. All are posted there. Don’t delay; take a look today. News sites don’t keep the same videos available for long periods of time.
More good news: ASHI president debunks myths
In May, a reporter from interviewed ASHI President Marv Goldstein. As a result, an article with the following opening paragraph appeared on the website:
Home Inspections: Myths and Facts
The complex task of assessing a home is more difficult because of the prevalence of myths attached to the process of home inspection. For the real facts on what you can expect, here’s a few of the worst misconceptions, along with expert advice from Marv.
His comments were the focus of the entire article. As the official ASHI spokesperson, Goldstein regularly responds to requests for interviews, providing ASHI with a positive, professional presence in the media.
Get Connected: Join ASHI LinkedIn Group (Official)
Are you one of the 746 ASHI members who have joined the official ASHI LinkedIn Group?
If not, sign up now to discuss what’s on your mind and learn what other members want to know or have to share. Use the icon on ASHI’s home page, and your request will be accepted within 48 hours.
ASHI invites the public, home inspectors, others in the industry and, of course, members to interact on Facebook and Twitter, but the Official ASHI LinkedIn Group is reserved for members only – a place to engage in conversations with other members.
Here’s a sample of recent discussions.
• Are your inspections taking more time to complete? 27 comments
• Great article in this month’s ASHI Reporter. I also am an energy auditor. Many of my clients want to buy solar panels, when what… 12 comments
• Can anyone share the history of firewalls in garages New York State? At the time of publication, waiting for comments.
You don’t have to block out a specific time and drive miles to a chapter meeting to enjoy the give and take of conversation with your peers. Start a discussion or add your comments to ones started by others from your computer when and where it’s convenient to do so.
LinkedIn is here for you.
To Read the Full Article
ASHI offers its members unparalleled resources to advance their careers. ASHI offers training for inspectors at all levels of knowledge and experience, including resources about all major home systems. Members benefit from a vast network of experienced professionals, providing a community for mentorship and knowledge sharing..
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