ASHI’s Exceptional Staff Members Help Our Society

This month, I would like to “spill the beans” as to what the ASHI staff does for our members. To begin, many of our members may not know what, exactly, our Executive Director and staff do each day. Besides running the day-to-day operations of our fine organization, they field inquiries from potential, new and seasoned members, vendors and sponsors, as well as the many levels of bureaucracies (some of which plague our very existence).
Specifically, our staff receives inquiries from various representatives of government and the private sector who want to learn about ASHI and the services that our members perform. Usually, such calls are directed to Executive Director Frank Lesh for follow-up.
During the past six months, Frank and his staff have fielded inquiries from throughout the United States and Canada, as well as from home inspection organizations located in other countries. Each inquiry has received the best attention possible.
For example, representatives from two South American countries recently requested ASHI’s assistance to provide valuable insight into the home inspection profession. Inspectors in China and Australia also have been seeking to build relationships with ASHI. These people express their awareness of the ASHI Standard of Practice and Code of Ethics, and their interest in understanding how ASHI is certified by a third party. They are seeking out ASHI because ASHI is the leader in the profession of home inspection.
Besides working with other home inspection organizations, ASHI is working closely with representatives in the private sector. Several potential clients have contacted ASHI to establish working relationships to complete inspection services. These potential clients are located nationwide and partnerships could greatly benefit our membership. Again, the ASHI Standard of Practice and Code of Ethics are at the forefront of these service requests.
You might ask: What exactly does our staff do when a potential client or a vendor makes a contact? Usually, after an initial contact is made, Frank and ASHI staff members do some research to evaluate what services ASHI could provide. Before signing any contracts, Frank notifies the ASHI President (right now, that’s me) who, in turn, consults with various members of the board and, if needed, legal counsel. Then, we develop contracts intended to benefit all parties, and after the contracts are completed and signed, the staff goes to work to implement the specifications of the contract. This may appear to be a simple process, but you should know that we spend considerable time developing and reviewing contracts for service agreements before making final commitments. So, that is some of what our staff does to benefit the ASHI membership. I didn’t even go into detail about the many, various work assignments such as preparing for InspectionWorld® (currently, staff is working on both IW 2018 and IW 2019), working with vendors who sponsor IW, responding to inquiries (received by email and telephone) from ASHI members and from inspectors around the country who want to know more about the benefits of joining ASHI.
Another one of those major work assignments is The ASHI School (TAS), which was established in 2009 under the direction of the ASHI Education Inc. (AEI) Board of Directors. Throughout the years, TAS established sites around the country to provide educational instruction covering a comprehensive overview of home inspection, as well as about specific ancillary subjects. TAS has had several well-qualified managers over the years, and each person has brought valuable experiences and working knowledge to further the mission of TAS.
Recently, the AEI board engaged the services of Russell Daniels, who comes to TAS with 16 years of ASHI experience; he most recently served as ASHI’s Assistant Executive Director. Russell will offer valuable insights and benefits to TAS. The AEI board retains Russell in the position of Executive Director, with the responsibility for TAS.
This has all been just a quick glimpse of what the ASHI board, staff and school leaders are diligently pursuing for the benefit of you, the members of our great society. If you have the opportunity to visit the ASHI headquarters in Des Plaines, Illinois, I encourage you to take the time to talk with our staff. You will find ASHI’s professional staff members to be ready and willing to provide you with a rewarding experience.
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