ASHI’s Education Opportunities and Special Events Offer Something for Everyone

by Michele George September 1, 2015

Professional home inspectors must retain an impressive amount of knowledge and skills to do their job well. Fortunately, ASHI members have easy access to a wide variety of educational opportunities to keep their skills sharp. Members can use the “Education” tab on the ASHI website to discover a portal of links to program offerings and ways to earn continuing education (CE) units through ASHI. Here’s an overview:

The ASHI Online Learning Center houses more than 50 two-hour online learning modules. Recorded from live presentations conducted at past InspectionWorld® conferences, these modules can help ASHI members stay up to date on the latest trends and information. ASHI members can access these online modules and many of the recordings labeled “Past IW” have been approved for CE units in various states.

ASHI members also have free access to the Smart Track Education Program. This online program covers the core subjects included in ASHI’s Standard of Practice: roofing, exterior, heating, electrical, interior, structure, plumbing, professional practice, cooling, wood heating and insulation.

ASHI@HOME Training System provides a comprehensive, 10-course, distance-learning education program.

Green Training USA offers discounted
training to members who choose from
12 online courses that will help them add new skills and diversify their home inspection business services.

The Building Performance Institute (BPI)
offers special pricing on the Building
Science Principles Certificate of Knowledge
reference guide and exam. Earning the Building Science Principles certificate is a first step to inspecting the world of energy-efficient home performance systems.

ASHI chapters will find that the Chapter
Educational Resources
link contains information regarding chapter educational events such as ideas for topics, contact information for potential speakers, and field trips and information about conducting peer reviews. We invite all chapter leaders to submit information about your chapter events. We are proud to promote chapter events on the Calendar of Events page of the ASHI website and in the Reporter as space allows; please submit information about chapter events at least two months in advance. Chapter leaders are encouraged to send photos and brief reports of past events as well.

InspectionWorld® San Diego –
January 24-27, 2016

InspectionWorld® (IW) is ASHI’s annual meeting and the largest education
conference and expo of the year
for home inspectors. Attending IW gives you a great opportunity to greet friends and meet other home inspectors from all over the country. Last year, 800 home inspectors attended IW Philadelphia.

Make plans to arrive early on Saturday, January 23, to enjoy sightseeing in San Diego or spend time relaxing at the resort. Then, don’t miss the 40th Anniversary Celebration, which kicks off at the
Annual Luncheon at 12:30 p.m. on
Sunday, January 24.

ASHI and the California Real Estate Inspection Association’s (CREIA) will celebrate 40 years of leadership together in the home inspection industry.

We expect that IW San Diego will be an exceptional conference. San Diego is a great destination city, the Town and Country Resort is a beautiful location and we have plans for a fantastic time.

Attendees will select from a wide variety
of educational topics. We have secured
15 new speakers who will offer presentations alongside veteran presenters. The educational program offers basic through advanced technical courses, as well as introductory courses on the topics of radon, thermography, energy audits, tile roofs, solar inspections and more. Some interesting special courses this year cover environmental topics and earthquakes, water shortages and the use of drones in home inspections. The business management track will cover hot topics in methods and technology. The education program offers many ways to earn up to 20 ASHI CE units, 18 CREIA CE units, as well as CE units that can be used for other organizations.

Preconference and postconference
training will include comprehensive courses in thermography, California plumbing code exam certification, deck inspection certification and commercial building inspections.

In addition, attendees can take a guided tour of the Quake Shake Table at the University of California, San Diego,
on Thursday, January 28.
The conference provides the
opportunity to enjoy days of
swapping stories with other home inspectors, learning from industry leaders and gaining information on the latest in tools and technology—all at one time and in one place. The IW experience leaves attendees feeling energized to move forward in their business. Look for all the details on the ASHI website.

Registration for InspectionWorld® San Diego begins September 1.
See the ad on Page 6 for details.

To Read the Full Article

ASHI offers its members unparalleled resources to advance their careers. ASHI offers training for inspectors at all levels of knowledge and experience, including resources about all major home systems. Members benefit from a vast network of experienced professionals, providing a community for mentorship and knowledge sharing..

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