ASHI’s Best: Annual Award Winners
President’s Award
Each year, the outgoing president selects an individual who has rendered outstanding service to ASHI.
Photo: Ron Rusch, left, accepts the President’s Award from outgoing ASHI President Joe Corsetto.
Speaking about his choice for this award, outgoing ASHI President Joe Corsetto said the following:
“The hard work and dedication of this individual in his leadership role is a great asset to ASHI and its chapters.
“His commitment to working with his (Legislative) committee and providing leadership to achieve its goals resulted in a very successful event.
“He displays the highest level of dedication that truly inspires people who work with him.”
Philip C. Monahon Achievement Award
Philip Monahon was a larger-than-life individual who was a true visionary for the future growth and success of the society. Serving as ASHI’s Executive Director in its early years, Phil maintained the organization’s focus on valid standards combined with strict conscientious business practices.
This award, established in 1983, is ASHI’s most prestigious, and recognizes an individual who has made exceptional and innovative contributions to the ASHI membership. The recipient must be an ASHI Member who is dedicated to ASHI’s goals and ideals as stated in the Code of Ethics and who, as a Member, has rendered outstanding contributions to ASHI for a minimum of five years.
An Awards Committee selects the recipient from nominees submitted by the membership. An annual cash donation of $500 is made to the Newton-Wellesley Hospital in Newton, Massachusetts, in the name of Philip C. Monahon.
Photo: Douglas Hansen, left, presents the Monahon Achievement Award to Frank Libero.
According to the award nomination form, winner Frank Libero deserved this honor:
“He is a dedicated home inspector and is a true professional in the ASHI sense of the word.
“He is constantly preaching to local chapters in national matters, and is always bringing potential members to chapter meetings, encouraging them to join ASHI.
“He has been a Member of ASHI since 1983 and was chair of the Public Relations Committee in 2005.”
Ironman Award
Every organization has its unsung heroes who labor quietly in the background, but with great dedication. The Ironman Award, established in 1998 by Past-President John Palczuk, recognizes a member who has given his or her time, energy, talent and determination to ASHI over a long period of time and with little recognition.
Photo: Joe Corsetto, left, presents the Ironman Award to Keith Oberg.
Outgoing President Joe Corsetto explained why winner Keith Oberg deserved this award:
“He lives by the principles of what makes a professional home inspector.
“His dedication to the high-quality inspection services and consumer protection are his benchmark.
“It’s no surprise that his work and ethics, advocacy and other commitments over the years have earned him high respect from his peers.”
John E. Cox Member of the Year Award
John Cox was an astounding person who made friends with inspectors countrywide. He served on and chaired national committees and was elected to the Board of Directors, while simultaneously acting as an officer and director for the various chapters he belonged to.
Established in 1990, The John E. Cox Award is given to a Member who has rendered outstanding service to an ASHI chapter, either over a period of years or under
circumstances that are special and may not occur again.
Photo: Brendan Ryan, left, accepts the Cox Member of the Year Award from Kurt Solomon.
The nomination form for Brendan Ryan described his service to Pro-ASHI as follows:
“He has been a member of ASHI since 1995, served as chapter president from 2001-2003 and is the current Chapter Council Representative.
“His leadership, professional and ethical behavior, along with his captivating personality and enthusiasm for tackling the challenges of leadership are inspiring.
“His enthusiasm for continuing to develop his chapter’s organization and programs is the reason why PRO-ASHI
is the chapter that it is.”
Special Service Award
Winner: Mike Sterling
Photo: Joe Corsetto, left, presents the Special Service Award to Mike Sterling.
This award allows the outgoing president to recognize a person for a special service to the society. According to Joe Corsetto, Mike Sterling deserved special recognition for the following reasons:
“He has consistently volunteered to help our Society with some of its most difficult and complex issues, including advocacy, ethics and the Special Hearing Committee.
“This person’s intellect and his ability to boil down complex issues into basic concepts are the gifts he brings to our problem solving.
“He has been actively engaged in leadership positions for over 15 years, and he willingly accepts some of our toughest challenges.”
WINNERS: GREAT LAKES CHAPTER: Highest Growth in Membership in 2006 and SAN JOAQUIN: Highest Membership Growth by Percentage in 2006
Established in 2003, the Chapter Awards give recognition to the two ASHI chapters that have shown the most growth of membership by numerical count and by greatest percentage of new members over the past year.
Quebec Association of Building Inspectors (QABI) and California ASHI
The ASHI Chapter Enterprise Award for Participation at InspectionWorld was established by an ASHI Member who attributes his personal success as a home inspector and the prosperity of his multi-inspector firm to the ideas and information acquired by regularly attending InspectionWorld for many years. Each winning ASHI chapter received a Certificate of Appreciation and an award in the amount of $750.
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