by Tim Buell December 1, 2013



Like it or not, we are in the “people” business. People like to do business with
people who are like them. Someone who demonstrates that they care about them beyond making the sale and who keep them in mind when something new arises. This type of treatment makes them feel important. They come to rely on inspectors they know and can trust to have their needs and interests at heart.

So, to help us with our “people business,” the ASHI Membership Committee, chaired by David Goldstein, ACI, along with your Board, have developed three new programs to add value to your membership and help you get more business.

The three new programs are home inspection agreements, Realtor® PowerPoint presentation and Constant Contact templates for the real estate community. They can be found on the ASHI website by simply clicking on the red “Benefits of ASHI Membership” button on the home page and scroll down to
“Marketing Tools for Member Use.”

Here is how they work, and they are all included free with your membership:

Home Inspection Agreements

Harry S. Rosenthal, ASHI’s attorney, has gathered nine home inspection contracts from among our leading members. With the help of your own attorney, use these sample contracts as a reference to develop or improve your own. These templates must be reviewed by your lawyer to ensure they meet state and local laws. A good contract is an essential element to a successful home inspection practice.

Realtor PowerPoint

Marketing and sales professionals will tell you that building relationships with those who provide you with business is paramount to success. Several years ago the Ohio chapter developed a PowerPoint presentation designed to educate real estate agents on ASHI’s Standard of Practice, while at the same time getting inspectors
in front of these agents or anyone in
the real estate community . . . that is,
helping us create relationships with our “business people.” There are two programs: a one-hour hour presentation and a quick 15-minute talk.

The key to success is practice, practice, practice, and when you are tired of practicing, practice some more. Present these
PowerPoints to your spouse, family or friends and let them critique. Above all, know your Standard of Practice and be yourself.

When presenting, make sure you have ample business cards, brochures and ASHI’s Standard of Practice to hand out. Having refreshments and food is also a plus.

Constant Contact

Your customers check their inbox all day, every day. You’re sure to reach them when you work with Constant Contact. Build relationships, drive revenue and deliver real results for your business. And ASHI has taken the guesswork out of providing information to your customers by providing customizable templates that educate and inform while getting your name in front
of your clients.

Simply open a template, insert your company logo and contact information, and blast out the email. It’s as simple as that. If you already have a Constant Contact account, provide your login information to ASHI to Dave Kogan at 847-954-3187, and if you don’t have one, an account costs as little as $15 a month.

So, if you don’t need more business, these tools are not for you, but if you do, start using them today. You’ll have satisfied customers and more money in your pocket. 

Tim Buell, ACI

ASHI Director

AEI/TAS Director

ASHI Membership Board Liaison

Past President – Ohio ASHI Chapter

David Goldstein, ACI

Chairman – ASHI Membership committee

Past ASHI National Officer and Director

Past President – Southern NJ ASHI and Tristate ASHI Chapters

Harry s. Rosenthal, Esq.

ASHI’s Legal Advisor

To Read the Full Article

ASHI offers its members unparalleled resources to advance their careers. ASHI offers training for inspectors at all levels of knowledge and experience, including resources about all major home systems. Members benefit from a vast network of experienced professionals, providing a community for mentorship and knowledge sharing..

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