ASHI Welcomes TAREI Members
In January 2005, the ASHI Board of Directors approved a new opportunity for the top-level membership of the Texas Association of Real Estate Inspections (TAREI) to join ASHI and have some of the initial requirements waived to become full ASHI Members.
The board believes that TAREI, with its strict membership requirements, has state standards that are similar to ASHI’s and saw this as a great opportunity to increase membership in the Lone Star State. If you meet the qualifications or know someone who does, contact ASHI HQ to obtain a special membership application.
The first individual to successfully complete this process was Paul W. Roebuck, Sr., a full-time inspector for the past 12 years. Roebuck is founder and president of TexaSpec, Inc., in Houston, Texas, and has five inspectors working for the firm, including his son, Paul II.
Why did you go into the home inspection business?
I first got into the home inspection business when I took an early retirement from a
How did being a builder help you in this profession?
It meant that I knew how to do the work, but did not necessarily know the depth of knowledge that it takes to understand all of the various components in the house. This includes code issues on all aspects of the property, like building, mechanical, plumbing and electrical, along with their installations. An inspector is expected to have that knowledge to help consumers.
What’s the most important aspect of your profession?
A home inspector has a large responsibility to his clients. As an inspector, I have learned that I cannot have enough knowledge about my profession. I was shocked to learn the knowledge that an inspector must acquire to perform a complete inspection.
You already have a successful home inspection business and have membership in your state association. Why did you make the choice to join ASHI?
I am excited to become an ASHI Member. I see a value of being an ASHI Inspector with relocation companies and individuals who move into our area from other parts of the United States. With ASHI’s strong name recognition and national advertisement, being an ASHI Member in the Houston area can only help my business to continue to grow.
Tell me about your family.
I have been married for 35 years to my beautiful wife, Brenda, have two wonderful children, Kimberly and Paul II, and four really special grandkids, Cali, Avery, Brendan and Mason.
As someone who is clearly a success in the profession, any advice for new people coming into the business?
Work with an experienced inspector as a mentor, undertake as much education and training as possible, and never stop learning. Join local and national inspector organizations to improve your knowledge and to develop professional contacts.
Paul W. Roebuck, Sr. may be reached at
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