ASHI Standards of Practice Now Available in Spanish

by Edited by ASHI Staff July 1, 2005

ASHI is pleased to accommodate Spanish-speaking consumers who would like to read the ASHI Standards of Practice in their native language. Las Normas de Práctica Profesional y el Código de Ética de la Sociedad Americana de Inspectores de Viviendas are now available on the ASHI Web site in PDF and in print from the ASHI store to help the ASHI membership better serve the public.

Membership Renewal Credit (MRC) opportunities listed 

Most ASHI Members and Candidates are required to submit 20 Membership Renewal Credits annually to ASHI HQ by September 30. In response to requests, ASHI now provides a comprehensive listing of courses, seminars and other training sessions, approved by ASHI for MRCs, on the ASHI Web site.

If you are interested in attending an event, either for the MRCs or just to learn new skills, click on the links provided on the list or call the contact person.

ASHI adds new tool to track customers’ interest in ASHI Inspectors

In June, ASHI activated a new tool to help Members and Candidates with logo use monitor the number of times Web users are finding them in ASHI’s “Find an Inspector” search mechanism.

To view the monitor, ASHI Members and Candidates with logo use log into the Membership Extranet (using their membership number and password.) At the bottom of the record will be a number, viewable only by the ASHI Inspector, that shows the number of times his or her name, company name, Web site and phone number have been viewed because of affiliation with ASHI. ASHI has been tracking this information since January 2005, and while not all of the views are from potential customers, many of them are. The counter is activated when the first person views the inspector’s information using any of the “Find an Inspector” search methods.

Metro areas for Find an Inspector search function updated

Maryland and Washington, D.C. area, Iowa, and Western New York are the most recently updated areas. ASHI Inspectors are invited to make suggestions for adding new metro search categories or changing existing ones, but the chapter president must approve the request form before it’s sent to HQ.

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