ASHI RFIs Now Online and Searchable
Standards and Ethics Requests for Interpretation have been updated online in a more user-friendly format and a new search engine has been added. This recent improvement makes it easier to find the information you’re looking for. Chances are the question you have about the Standards or Ethics has already been answered and can be found online.
To look up your question; log in as a member on Go to Resources and then to Interpretations. If you wish to file a Request, the link to the necessary form can be found there.
What are Requests for Interpretation (RFIs)?
ASHI members may file a Request For Interpretation (RFI) for either the Standards of Practice (SoP) or Code of Ethics (CoE) when an issue may seem unclear or undefined by the SoP or CoE. These Requests will be reviewed by the respective committees and ASHI legal counsel.
Filing a RFI
The committees understand that you desire a quick response, but please be advised they have multiple requests and because the SoP and CoE are vital to ASHI, interpretations must be performed with extreme care. Before filing an RFI, you are strongly encouraged
to review past interpretations that are posted in their respective section, SoP or CoE. You may also perform a quick keyword search in the search function that will search both sections.
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