ASHI Promotes Home Inspectors in All Markets
It’s no secret that newsrooms are emptying. When reporters, columnists and photographers become scare, editors find it difficult to fill their pages — especially in the smaller markets. Where there is a need, usually there is an opportunity. ASHI is taking advantage of editors’ needs for content.
Editors can purchase publication-ready articles on general topics of interest to consumers from several services. These services also charge a fee to those who have articles they would like to see published. For the third year, Gibbs & Soell, ASHI’s public relations agency, created an article promoting home inspections to be distributed by one of these services.
This year’s article went live May 20 and will be available to editors for four months.
The response has been outstanding. In the first three weeks, “Secrets of a Solid Home Inspection” appeared in four print publications and 664 online placements, for a total 668 placements. Print circulation: 646,559. Site audience: 21,174,658. Total ad value: $288,068.
Because the target audience is smaller markets, this is one way ASHI’s public relations program benefits members where they live and work. In the past, major market publications have picked up the articles, which always is a bonus.
ASHI featured on
Karen Aho of MSN Real Estate contacted ASHI. She wanted to interview home inspectors working in different geographic areas. Her final article, “Home horrors: Lessons from home inspectors,” included conversations with the following ASHI members: Kurt Salomon, Jack McGraw, Andy Kasznay, Mark Cramer andBob Sisson.
She also recommended using Find an Inspector, ASHI’s search engine.
A link to the article is available in the online ASHI Reporter at If you view it, be sure to join the 211 people who “like” it.
Members Participate in Deck Safety Community Service Program
During Deck Safety Week, ASHI members in three metro areas — Atlanta, Chicago and Seattle — are partnering with Simpson Strong-Tie to offer free deck inspections to homeowners who register on Facebook. Visit www.facebook/decksafety to see highlights of the program.
Simpson promoted the need for deck inspections with the media and consumers, ,and ASHI members provided the inspections, which were scheduled for the first week of summer, June 21-28.
ASHI members were invited to attend CE-approved Simpson Strong-Tie seminars free of charge prior to the program. Photos and stories to come.
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ASHI offers its members unparalleled resources to advance their careers. ASHI offers training for inspectors at all levels of knowledge and experience, including resources about all major home systems. Members benefit from a vast network of experienced professionals, providing a community for mentorship and knowledge sharing..
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