ASHI President Speaks at AARST/CPCD Radon Conference
The Conference of Radiation Control Program Directors, Inc. (CRCPD) and the American Association of Radon Scientists and Technicians (AARST) sponsored a joint conference and training on current radon concerns, technology and programs. Topics at the conference included the science of radon, radon in health and green buildings, establishing measurable objectives, outputs, and outcomes of outreach and radon kit distribution.
Philip Jalbert, EPA Executive Secretary Radon Programs (left) congratulates ASHI President Kurt Salomon after his presentation at the AARST/CPCD Conference in Orlando, Fla., October 16-19, 2011.
Radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer, second only to smoking. The Environmental Protection Agency says radon exposure causes 20,000 deaths a year. If you are offering radon testing as an optional service, congratulations on better serving your customers, saving lives. Plus, you are generating an alternative stream of revenue.
Kurt Salomon, ASHI president, spoke at the AARST session on radon today in home inspections. At CRCPD, he was a session leader for the enhancing outreach programs. The message of radon outreach was summarized into three flip charts:
First, radon needs
Awareness and acceptance
that it causes cancer,
Action to test and mitigate.
Second, the message should be from a child’s perspective because
Simple words, pictures are used.
Third, a healthy home needs:
Mom mammogram annually,
Dad prostate every five years,
House a radon test.
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