ASHI President Delivers Keynote (and more) in Iowa
Bill Richardson, ASHI president, was the keynote speaker for Iowa Chapter’s 3rd Annual Fall Seminar. On Friday morning, before speaking at the seminar, he took part in a parallel inspection with Tony Smith, ASHI director and Iowa Chapter member, then participated in the day-and-a-half seminar, including a peer review inspection.
Photo: Iowa Chapter leaders are pictured with ASHI’s president at the day-and-a-half Annual Fall Seminar.
From left to right: Steve Kolar, immediate past-president; Mike Tomash, vice president; Dale Griswold, director; Craig Chmelick, secretary; Bill Richardson, ASHI president; Terry Steinbach, director; Wyman Weinbeck, president; and Larry Sloan, director, retired member, Iowa’s first president.
Photo: After delivering the keynote speech for Iowa Chapter’s 3rd Annual Fall Seminar, ASHI President Bill Richardson (left) joined ASHI Director and Iowa Chapter member Tony Smith in inspecting the plumbing at the home used for the peer review.
Submitted by Tony Smith, ASHI director
Northern Colorado Will Share Senior Program
Having received a positive response to its Senior Safety Saturday program, the Northern Colorado Chapter is willing to share the unique annual skill-based community outreach program with other chapters. Jon Rudolph, NCC Chapter promotions chair, said the chapter chose this type of program because, “anybody can help paint or hang drywall for Habitat for Humanity, but only a professional home inspector can provide an objective evaluation of a home’s safety condition for an at-risk senior citizen.”
The chapter used a press release, a flier and personal contacts to promote the program. It gave the chapter broad visibility in the community and with local real estate practitioners. Individual members used the program as an opportunity to contact real estate agents and suggest they inform their clients of the free service.
Within three days, the number of calls exceeded the number of inspections the chapter had planned to provide, so it changed its voice mail message to direct callers to use the chapter Web site to find a qualified ASHI home inspector to check their homes or to wait until next year for the annual program and more free safety inspections for seniors.
Submitted by Jon Rudolph, I.D. Property Inspections, Inc., NCC Chapter promotions chair
Ohio Builds bridges
On September 24, the Ohio Chapter was honored to host a joint educational meeting of the three oldest and most respected home inspector organizations in Ohio. David Tamny, ASHI president-elect, and Jeff Arnold, ASHI executive director/CEO, attended the first-of-its-kind event.
Leaders from ASHI’s Ohio and North Central Ohio Chapters and NAHI’s Ohio Chapter met before the conference to discuss how to build bridges and strengthen ties within the inspector community. David Tamny spoke to the assembled groups. With Tamny and Arnold present, it also was possible to discuss issues impacting inspectors across the nation and trends in the profession.
David and Jeff presided over the presentation of plaques honoring the members celebrating five-, 10-, 15- and 20-year anniversaries, plus the 25-year anniversary of John Simler, ASHI #428.
Seven past or current presidents of the Ohio chapter, who
have worked for the betterment of all Ohio inspectors, were in attendance. The joint event was a huge success and future ones are planned.
Photo: From left to right: Forest Lines, Ohio NAHI president; Tim Buell, Ohio Chapter president; Phillip Wells, Northern Central Ohio Chapter legislative chair; Ron Whittington, North Central Chapter president; Jeff Arnold, ASHI executive director/CEO; and David Tamny, ASHI president-elect.
Photo: Leaders from ASHI, two ASHI chapters and the Ohio NAHI Chapter attended a joint educational meeting in September.
Submitted by David Argabright, Attic to Sidewalk Home Inspections, Orient, Ohio.
NOVA Serves Members & Reaches OUT To Realtors®
The Northern Virginia Chapter (NOVA) conducted a well-received peer review and education session on November 6. The ASHI Peer Review Team is pictured above from left to right: Jim Funkhouser, NOVA ASHI president; Fred
Heppner; Pete Jung, NOVA ASHI vice president; Tom Murley; Dave Drewry; and Hollis Brown.
The chapter also hosted a booth at the Northern Virginia Realtor’s Show. Fred Heppner (left) and Mike Stephens (right) spoke with realty agents and brokers.
Submitted by ASHI Director Michael J. Stephens, American Home Inspections LLC, a member of the NOVA ASHI Chapter.
Kappor Honored by MAC-ASHI
Vimal Kapoor, left, accepted a plaque commemorating his two terms as president of the Mid-Atlantic Chapter (MAC-ASHI) from current president, Richard (Chip) Castell, right. Members expressed their appreciation of the Germantown, Md., inspector’s extended service to their chapter.
Submitted by J.D. Grewell, JD Grewell & Assoc., Silver Spring, Md.
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ASHI offers its members unparalleled resources to advance their careers. ASHI offers training for inspectors at all levels of knowledge and experience, including resources about all major home systems. Members benefit from a vast network of experienced professionals, providing a community for mentorship and knowledge sharing..
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