ASHI Prepares to Elect 2006 Officers & Directors
Stating committee members were pleased with the quality of all the nominees, the Officer Nominating Committee announced the following slate for 2006:
- President elect – Frank Lesh
- Vice President – Bill Richardson
- Treasurer – David Goldstein
- Secretary – Brion Grant
Ballots listing these nominees plus any petitioners were e-mailed to Members on October 31, 2005. Paper ballots were mailed to Members who do not have e-mail addresses on record at HQ on the same date. Voting will close December 5, 2005.
A valid petition containing the names of a minimum of 10 percent of the then in good standing ASHI Members must have been submitted to ASHI headquarters by mail or fax by 5 p.m. on October 21 to cause the name of a qualified Member to be added to the ballot as a Candidate for a specified (named) office. At the time, there were 3,487 Members in good standing. Therefore, 349 valid signatures were required for Petition Candidates to be placed on the ballot. Petitions had to be presented upon the official form available only from ASHI headquarters and required the name (printed) and the signature of each petitioner, as well as the office in which the petitioner would serve, if elected. All petition candidates were required to complete and submit the official Officer Nomination Matrix with their petition. Staff is charged with verifying the validity of the petition prior to placing the name of a candidate for office on the ballot.
(Petition candidate information was not available at press time.)
Also according to the ASHI Policies, the following rules apply to campaigning:
a. Campaigning positively by or about any candidate is
permissible as long as no ASHI assets are used.
b. Staff, Nominating Committee and Election Committee Members shall not participate in campaigning.
c. Candidates may purchase mailing labels or lists from Headquarters.
d. Negative campaigning (against candidates or nominees) is not permitted. Campaign statements or materials should be previewed by the Election Committee in advance if there is any uncertainty about the appropriateness of their content.
Directors for ASHI’s Board are chosen from the Council of Representatives. The Director Nominating Committee presented the following slate:
- John Gerardi
- Andrew J. Kasznay, Jr.
- Steve McNamee
- Miki Mertz
- Robert B. Pyne
- Kenneth Salvo
The top five vote-getters will be elected directors. The sixth highest vote-getter will be elected alternate, and the remaining candidates, in order of number of votes received, will be in line as alternates should another alternate be needed.
The director ballots were e-mailed (or mailed to those without e-mail addresses on record) on October 31, 2005. Voting will close December 5, 2005.
Petitions must have been received at HQ no later than Friday, October 21, 2005.
The Petition process for directors is outlined in COR Policies as follows. A valid petition containing the names of a minimum of 10 percent (10) of the then in good standing ASHI Council of Representatives submitted to ASHI HQ shall cause the name of the qualified Member to be added to the ballot as a Candidate for the Board. Petitions must be presented upon a special form available only from ASHI Headquarters and requires the name (printed) and the signature of each petitioner. The form must be received by mail or fax at headquarters at least 10 days prior to the distribution of the ballots. Staff will verify the validity of the petition prior to placing the name of a Candidate on the ballot.
(Petition candidate information was not available at press time.)
In addition, according to ASHI Policies, Officer campaigning rules also apply to Directors’ campaigns.
Contribute to ASHI’s Publications
General guidelines for submitting articles
We’re looking for chapter news, postcards from the field, success stories, safety tips and business and technical articles for the Reporter and ASHI’s e-newsletters.
The Technical Committee reviews technical articles for level of interest and accuracy before publication. Therefore, we recommend authors submit their ideas in summary or outline form and request feedback from the committee before writing the article. Authors receive MRCs for published technical articles.
Please use MSWord for text files and TIFF or JPEG for graphic files. We cannot use photographs embedded in Word files. All submissions are edited before publication.
We’d like to hear from you. To discuss your ideas or to make a suggestion, call or e-mail Sandy Bourseau, 847-954-3179,
2006 call for volunteers
Volunteers keep ASHI moving toward its goals. The Call for Volunteers form was distributed with The Inspector e-newsletters in October, and is also available on the ASHI Web site, Members Extranet, ASHI documents. There is no automatic placement on a committee. Even current committee members must return a form to be considered. So, take a look at the form to read the answers to all the FAQ questions about volunteering, then think about getting involved.
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ASHI offers its members unparalleled resources to advance their careers. ASHI offers training for inspectors at all levels of knowledge and experience, including resources about all major home systems. Members benefit from a vast network of experienced professionals, providing a community for mentorship and knowledge sharing..
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Professional Networking
Grow your professional network, find a mentor, network with the best, and best part of the community that’s making home inspection better every day.