Gets Stickier
Hits on the ASHI Web site doubled in one year, from 4.5 million with 27,000+ unique visitors in January 2002 to more than 9 million and 42,000+ unique visitors in January 2003. What’s the secret of the site’s success? ASHI’s public relations program points people in that direction; new advertising strategies get better visibility on search engines; and last, but not least, additional resources and functionality make it stickier. More people are visiting the site, plus visitors are spending more time browsing and participating. What’s the attraction? We’ve enhanced Members Only discussion boards and added interactive Membership and Resource Directories, as well as an interactive legislation center for inspectors to contact state representatives concerning home inspector regulation. All this solidifies ASHI’s position as the definitive place for home inspection information, and for finding a qualified a home inspector. In fact, the ASHI Find An Inspector area continues to be the most visited page on the site.
The Membership can help increase traffic. Including a link to the home page ( on your own Web site will get the site better placement on search engines. Many search engines no longer rely on meta tags or keywords for site relevancy, and often penalize sites that use misleading tactics to try to trick search engines. Search engines do consider the number of sites linked to If we get 6,000 plus links leading to it from our Membership’s Web sites, ASHI position with search engines will increase dramatically.
Visit the site. Don’t miss out on this tremendous resource. Hundreds of messages are posted on the discussion boards weekly, the Membership contributes technical related links to the Resource Directory, and technical experts identify themselves in the Membership Directory. If you’ve never logged into the ASHI Members Only area, it’s easy. Use your ASHI membership ID# (with no leading zeros) and the word “password” for starters. If you’ve forgotten a password, contact ASHI HQ at 847-759-2820 or
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ASHI offers its members unparalleled resources to advance their careers. ASHI offers training for inspectors at all levels of knowledge and experience, including resources about all major home systems. Members benefit from a vast network of experienced professionals, providing a community for mentorship and knowledge sharing..
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Professional Networking
Grow your professional network, find a mentor, network with the best, and best part of the community that’s making home inspection better every day.