ASHI Officers for 2012
Officers Who Will Lead ASHI for 2012
The president-elect automatically becomes the president. The election for the other offices closed on December 5, 2011, and the winners were installed at InspectionWorld Phoenix and will take their place on the Board at the April 2012 meeting.
Candidates identified issues in matrices
Officer and director candidates for 2012 were asked what they considered to be the two most pressing problems ASHI would be facing in the next 12 months. The comments shared here and on the following page were taken from their answers to this question in the matrices they submitted to be considered by voting members for their respective offices. Links to all the matrices are below.
Marvin Goldstein
Building Inspection Service, Inc.
Southampton, Pa.
This is our year to imagine.
Imagine a new world in the building inspection industry.
Imagine new ideas, new presentations, new rewards and a group of closely knit inspectors all working together in harmony.
Our goal is profit and brotherhood. Our dream is for big accomplishments.
Imagine all of this coming to fruition this year. It is possible if we try.
Membership highlights:
- 1976, ASHI charter member
- 2006, 2008, chair ASHI Legislative Committee
- 2007-2008, ASHI director
- 2009, ASHI secretary
- 2010, ASHI treasurer
- 2011, ASHI president-elect
Bill Jacques
American Inspection Service, Inc.
Ravenel, S.C.
Membership retention and chapter growth will continue to be significant for ASHI’s future. We need to develop better communications with our Associates and members to keep their interest in ASHI and advance the Associates to full members within the first year of their membership. A more proactive push on retaining Associates will mean staff, directors and committees getting involved in contacting members, not just via the web, email and the ASHI Reporter, but the good old telephone to find out how they are doing and what ASHI can do to help them succeed.
Chapters are a lifeline to members for monthly meetings, networking, education and help. We need to continue to expand our communication programs with chapters to support growth in leadership and membership and to provide education to their members. Protecting the future of ASHI requires understanding ASHI’s goals and the willingness to listen to different perspectives and opinions to achieve them.
For instance, opening up membership to professional groups other than just home inspectors will give ASHI a new direction and expand its horizons.
Membership highlights:
- 1994, joined ASHI
- 2000-01, South Carolina Chapter president
- 2003-04, South Carolina Chapter director
- 2003-04, Council of Representatives group leader
- 2005-08, ASHI director
- 2008, ASHI secretary
- 2009, ASHI Education Committee chair
- 2011, Election Task Force chair
Bill J. Loden
Vice President
Insight Home Inspection, LLC
Madison, Ala.
For years, ASHI had little competition and was able to dictate terms to anyone wanting to join a professional association. ASHI established membership criteria in a world without licensing and without competition. Now, we find ourselves in a different environment. Most states have a license or registration requirement for inspectors. There also are competing associations that appeal to inspectors entering the market. In order to remain the industry leader, we need to examine our membership structure and determine if restructuring is needed to adapt to our changing environment. We must have competent and qualified inspectors joining our ranks. In the next 12 months, ASHI must find ways to raise our entry standards while providing new members to the profession more membership value.
Survival. Not ASHI survival, but the survival of our individual members during this severe economic downturn. ASHI should be providing tools and resources to our members that will help pay the rent and keep the lights on until the economic recovery process begins. In addition, our members have talents that could be put to use in other related and allied fields. We need to position ASHI and our members to weather this storm and prosper once the market recovers.
Membership highlights:
- 1996, joined ASHI
- 2003-04, Council of Representatives group leader
- 2005-07, ASHI director
- 2008-09, Ethics Committee chair
Alden E. Gibson, R.H.I.
Gibson Holdings (Breslau) Inc.
Inspections by Gibson
Breslau, Ontario
A significant issue for ASHI is building trust amongst the Council of Representatives and the Board. We all must be on the same page and build the society together. ASHI Education, Inc. (AEI) is off to a good start. Nevertheless, the membership must understand that it is a for-profit branch of ASHI. Its goal is to make money through education. AEI must work with the chapters to achieve this goal. We must concentrate on membership and chapters. We have just completed a study on our chapters with interesting findings. AEI is a source of income for ASHI. However, we must be careful not to take income away from our chapters.
AEI must work with the chapters to provide education for all.
Membership highlights:
- 2001, joined ASHI
- 2007-08, Ontario vice president
- 2004, ASHI alternate director
- 2007-09, ASHI director
- 2010, ASHI secretary
Scott Warga
ACSI American Construction
Specialists & Investigations, LLC
Gilbert, Ariz.
Membership retention and benefits are the two biggest issues facing ASHI. Working with chapters and providing additional educational opportunities while expanding ASHI’s base are things we need to work on. Everything ASHI does needs to be thought through, a plan developed and followed. Many inspectors run their businesses with no plan, making snap decisions. ASHI needs to create a new plan, develop it and follow it. In the past, when we’ve done this, we have been successful.
Membership highlights:
- 1996, joined ASHI
- 2003-04, Council of Representatives speaker
- 2006-08, Chapter vice president
- 2009-12, ASHI director
To Read the Full Article
ASHI offers its members unparalleled resources to advance their careers. ASHI offers training for inspectors at all levels of knowledge and experience, including resources about all major home systems. Members benefit from a vast network of experienced professionals, providing a community for mentorship and knowledge sharing..
In this Issue
Professional Networking
Grow your professional network, find a mentor, network with the best, and best part of the community that’s making home inspection better every day.