ASHI Officers & Directors Honored for Service

by Edited by ASHI Staff March 1, 2007

If ASHI’s mission is to meet the needs of its membership and to promote excellence and exemplary practice within the home inspection profession, how does it fulfill this mission? Each year at InspectionWorld, the answer to that question becomes clear. It succeeds on the shoulders of its hardworking, dedicated volunteers.

Photo: 2006 ASHI President Joe Corsetto

Again this year, many of these volunteers were honored for their service at InspectionWorld California. ASHI continues to be the standard-bearer for the profession thanks to those who stood on the stage, as well as all those who served on committees, task forces and in the chapters. This annual ceremony demonstrates that ASHI is a volunteer-driven society and that it succeeds on the strength of its dedicated membership.

Photo: 2006 Officers (l-r) Frank Lesh, David Tamny, Don Norman and Brion Grant

Photo: 2006 Directors (l-r) Leon Costanten, Ken Salvo, Jay Balin, Charles Gifford and Don Nelson

Photo: 2006 Committee Chairs (l-r) Randy West, Marvin Goldstein, Wayne Falcone, Kurt Salomon, Frank Lesh, David Tamny, Don Norman, Peter Engle, Howard Pegelow, Ron Rusch, Brian Murphy, Keith Oberg, Scott Patterson, John Ghent, Garet Denise

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