ASHI New York Media Tour Recap

by Sandy Bourseau May 1, 2006

March 27-30, ASHI President Joe Corsetto pounded the pavement in New York City, taking the ASHI message to media contacts. The media tour is an annual event for ASHI, arranged by the public relations firm Manning Salvage and Lee. Corsetto’s guides for the tour were MS&L’s Lisa Gunggoll and Alissa Lew. Because consumer publications work on extended lead time—up to six months— it may take awhile to see the tangible results from this tour, but past experience has proven that nothing sells ASHI like a one-on-one conversation with editors and reporters. So each year, ASHI’s president makes the rounds. It may take awhile, but chances are good ASHI and the profession will be well-represented in the following print and online publications.

Family Circle
Circulation: 4.4 million
Highlights: Corsetto spoke with Wendy Manwarren, associate home editor, about the benefits of a home inspection relating to remodeling, seasonal maintenance, and making a home more appealing to potential buyers.

Joe-and-Roy.gif Popular Mechanics

Circulation: 120,000
Highlights: As a result of this meeting, Roy Berendsohn, senior home editor, will accompany an ASHI Inspector on an actual home inspection so he can share his experience blogging or in an article. Photo: Popular Mechanics Senior Home Editor Roy Berendsohn accepts an ASHI hat from Joe Corsetto following their meeting at the magazine’s offices.

Country Living
Circulation: 1.7 million
The ASHI president was asked again about the benefits of a home inspection as it relates to remodeling. This time from Elizabeth Roehrig, associate editor, who was also interested in pre-purchase, pre-listing and general maintenance home inspections.

Woman’s Day Home Remodeling
Circulation: 400,000
Quick turnaround here. After talking with Corsetto, Gunggoll and Lew, editor Barbara Winfield decided to publish an article on home inspection in the “Nuts and Bolts” column of the June issue.

Sirius Radio
Corsetto met with Jim Collins, vice president corporate communications, to discuss opportunities for airing the ASHI PSA on Sirius radio, and for ASHI Inspectors to provide content for the Martha Stewart Living and COSMO shows, among others. MS&L will send the PSA to Collins and will stay in touch with program producers.

This Old House
Circulation: 972,000
Thomas Baker, deputy editor, was interested in radon testing and radon reduction system installations. This Old House has never covered this topic and is interested in identifying potential story ideas. As a result of the meeting, the magazine will publish an article on home inspection in the October issue, and will consider publishing an article on radon later in the year.

Money Magazine
Circulation: 1.9 million
The focus was on emerging trends in home inspection during the meeting with Stephen Gandel, a senior writer for the magazine. Gandel was interested in risk assessment, disaster preparedness, insurance premiums and simple savings for the home (small investments that reap big rewards).

Joe-at-Real-Simple.gif Real Simple
Circulation: 1.8 million
As suggested by the magazine’s title, Elizabeth Wells, associate editor, was interested in quick tips for easy fixes, but she also found the Virtual Home Inspection Tour on ASHI’s Web intriguing, and said she will forward information about it to the lifestyles editor for a possible piece. Photo: MS&L’s Alissa Lew and Joe Corsetto prepare for their meeting with editor Elizabeth Wells at Real Simple magazine.

Wall Street Journal
Circulation: 2 million
Risk assessment, disaster preparedness, insurance premiums and home inspection legislation were the topics of interest for Sara Munoz, house and home reporter.

The former executive producer of HGTV’s Dream House, Matt Finn, introduced Corsetto to a series called “The Right Move” he hopes to launch in the next year on a new network. The idea is to highlight experiences of first-time home-buyers and to make the series available on Video on Demand and the Web. If the show is picked up, ASHI Inspectors could be asked to conduct home inspections for the homebuyers.

Delivering press kits

In addition to meeting with editors, reporters and producers, the public
relations team delivered ASHI press kits to contacts at the following
Ladies Home Journal
Woman’s Day
Home Magazine
Martha Stewart Living
New York Times.

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