ASHI-NE Makes Chapter History With Two-Day Educational Conference
New England Chapter’s first weekend educational conference was held in mid-October, and it included a tour of Historic Highfield, the former home of Ely Lilly, the pharmaceutical magnate. The mansion was undergoing historic renovation, allowing the home inspectors a unique inside look at its construction. Several other historic homes in Falmouth, a beautiful Cape Cod town in Massachusetts, were toured on Friday.
On Saturday, Shawn Macadden and Tom Byrne were the featured presenters. Macadden is a nationally recognized NARI-certified remodeler and lead carpenter who has authored articles for Remodeling, The Journal of Light Construction and Design/Build Business. His session covered decks, balconies, porches and stairways. Byrne is an ASHI charter Member and past president who was described in conference promotion literature as “the funniest and most knowledgeable home inspector and plumber you’ll ever meet.”
The conference concluded with an “Ask the Experts Panel” and the ASHI-NE Board Meeting. Attendees earned 10 Massachusetts CEUs as well as ASHI MRCs.
MAC-ASHI Exhibits at Maryland Show
MAC-ASHI public relations committee members delivered The ASHI Experience message to those drawn to the booth by the aroma of freshly popped corn.
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ASHI offers its members unparalleled resources to advance their careers. ASHI offers training for inspectors at all levels of knowledge and experience, including resources about all major home systems. Members benefit from a vast network of experienced professionals, providing a community for mentorship and knowledge sharing..
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