ASHI Mentorship Program

by Edited by ASHI Staff April 1, 2021

The ASHI Mentorship Program is now officially open! We have mentors registered and ready to consult with mentees. The mentorship program is a collaborative effort of experienced and inexperienced inspectors looking to make a difference.

The mentorship program was established to help newer or less-experienced home inspectors gain the experience they need to be exceptional home inspectors. This is accomplished by pairing them with experienced home inspectors who volunteer to serve as mentors. This program helps inspectors build relationships with others across the nation and demonstrates the comradery on which that ASHI membership is built.

Our Vision

For more than 40 years, ASHI has focused on setting the standard for the profession and educating its members to elevate the home inspection profession as a whole. Home inspectors join ASHI to broaden their knowledge and skill sets to become the best inspectors out there. The purpose of the mentorship program is to continue ASHI’s mission by offering individuals an opportunity to elevate their professionalism and knowledge.

The goal of the program is to help aspiring inspectors reach their full potential as they enter the home inspection profession.

What is Mentorship

Mentorship is a personal development relationship in which a more experienced, knowledgeable person helps to guide a person who does not possess the same level of expertise. Many of our mentors have been in the home inspection business for years and have knowledge that can help inspectors who are starting out.

Mentoring Objectives

There is a wide range of mentoring services that focus on specific topics related to home inspections, business management and beyond, including report writing, inspecting protocols, business marketing, addressing health and safety concerns, general business practice advice or whatever area on which the mentee would like to focus. Mentors can provide aid with these different subjects, and help the mentee set or obtain goals for their business and their own learning.

The communication method is solely up to the mentee and the ASHI mentor—you decide what will work best for your arrangement. Some examples of communication channels are email, phone, text, Facebook Messenger or video conferencing applications like Zoom or GoToMeeting. In some situations, meeting in person may be an option. For face-to-face meetings, we suggest meeting in public restaurants or offices. Since many communications can be done virtually and there are no location restrictions, mentors and mentees can connect with each other from anywhere.

Sign Up to Work with a Mentor

Newer inspectors can work with experienced ASHI mentors for guidance and advice as they start their career in home inspection. This program is available for all those who want to be involved in the ASHI Mentorship Program. ASHI membership is encouraged, but not required, to participate as a mentee.

You can sign up to be connected with a mentor by visiting this link on the ASHI website.

Mentoring, Why? What’s in it for me?

Have you ever attended a roundtable or a conference and walked away from the conversations having learned something new? That is mentoring in its simplest form.
I personally have been mentored by several ASHI members during the last 22 years. I have developed several professional and personal relationships that have helped me be the best professional for my clients.

Being involved in a mentoring program has helped me learn to be more reflective and to understand the way I work, my values, my goals, alternative options and how better to work with others.

When considering becoming an ASHI mentor, one question I urge you to consider is this: “Isn’t it great to be able to see someone grow and reach their goals while sharing your experience?”

Sign Up to Be a Mentor

Are you an ASHI Certified Inspector or ASHI Retired Member who is looking to help others learn the ASHI way?
We’d love to have you as an ASHI mentor! Visit the website to learn the requirements and additional benefits you receive by being an ASHI mentor.

For more information about the ASHI Mentorship Program, email

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