ASHI Membership News
Response to Membership Survey Tops 32%
More than 1,400 ASHI members participated in the recent membership survey, answering 31 questions about membership, membership benefits and chapter affiliation. In addition, many helpful comments were offered. The responses will be incorporated into the planning for what ASHI members value in their membership. Summary results will be presented to the ASHI board of directors at the April meeting and results will also appear in an upcoming issue of the ASHI Reporter. Thanks again to everyone who contributed.
In addition, a prize drawing was held and these ASHI members’ names were drawn:
– First Prize (IW Nashville full registration): Philip Fraley, Adobe, Inc. dba AmeriSpec Home Inspection Service, Huntsville, Ala.
– Second Prize ($100 gift card): Bill Stratton, Cornerstone Residential Inspections, Inc., Wake Forest, N.C.
–Third Prize ($50 gift card): James P. Jacobs, Home Sweet Home Inspections, Inc., Ridge, N.Y.
Benefits of ASHI Membership?
Click on the New Red Button
It’s easy to take for granted or overlook the value of belonging to ASHI. Now, it’s easy to be sure you’re not missing any of the benefits. There’s a new button on the website that will take you to a list. The list will continue to grow as new benefits are identified. Check it today and in the future. Take advantage of all ASHI offers you.
Order Carson Dunlop’s Technical Reference Guide from the ASHI Marketplace
Developed by Carson Dunlop, the Technical Reference Guide is a handy tool for home inspectors. This pocket guide tells you the age and capacity of hundreds of home heating and cooling systems. This and many marketing and technical publications are available from the ASHI Marketplace. Go to and click on the “Shop the ASHI Store” button.
Continue to Watch for Emails of How Often Potential Clients Are Viewing Your Profile.
ASHI members will continue to receive an email on a quarterly basis informing them of how many views they have received from the
“Find A Home Inspector” search on the ASHI website. We found that members who have updated and completed profiles have a direct relationship with increased views. Complete profiles
maximize exposure on the ASHI website, allowing your potential clients to find you easier by updating your metro areas.
While every view may not turn into an inspection, we hope this shows you the value of the very important benefit you receive from the “Find A Home Inspector” search function. Questions? Contact Russell Daniels at
Council Representatives Elect Nominating Committees
The following ACIs were selected to serve on the Officers Nominating Committee:
Larry Cerro, Jerry Santangini, Bruce LaBell, Tony Smith, Tom Lauhon, Scott Swickard, Mark Londner, Mike Wagner
Immediate Past-President Marv Goldstein will serve as chair.
The following ACIs were selected to serve on the Directors Nominating Committee:
James Funkhouser, Ken Harrington, Richard Hart, Ken Westendorf
Skip Walker was appointed to chair the committee.
The committees are ready to accept matrices from members for consideration. For Directors, please send them to Russell Daniels. For Officers, please send them to Jeff Arnold. To review the nominating and election policies and procedures, read the ASHI Policy and Procedures Manual, section 15 and see section 10 of the Council Policy and Procedure manual.
Standards of Practice
ASHI Standards Committee Asks for Input by May 31
The Standards Committee has begun a review of the ASHI Standards of Practice for home inspections and welcomes proposals for revisions. Download the proposed Standard and the rationale here.. To submit your proposal, please email Bruce Barker, the committee chair, at by May 31, 2013.
Postcards From the Field
Your photos are needed
Many ASHI members turn immediately to Postcards From the Field when the newest issue of the ASHI Reporter arrives. The public and media also enjoy the funny (or dangerous) photos that appear. In addition to being available in print and online at, we share the photos with This Old House online and to reach a wider audience and spread the word about ASHI. The author of the postcard always is credited when ASHI shares the images. In order to keep this feature going, we need your help! Please email your photos with captions to and be sure to include a caption for the photo.
ASHI Mission Statement
To set and promote standards for property inspections and to provide the educational programs needed to achieve excellence in the profession.
Current ASHI Membership
ASHI Certified Inspectors: 3,323
Associates/Logo: 78
Associates: 1,318
Retired Members: 111
Affiliates: 75
Total: 4,885
ASHI Event Calendar
• July 26-27, 2013, ASHI Board Meeting, Rosemont, Ill.
• Oct. 18-19, 2013, ASHI Board Meeting, Rosemont, Ill.
• Jan. 12-15, 2014, InspectionWorld, Nashville, Tenn.
• January 6-9, 2015, InspectionWorld, Philadelphia, Pa.
To Read the Full Article
ASHI offers its members unparalleled resources to advance their careers. ASHI offers training for inspectors at all levels of knowledge and experience, including resources about all major home systems. Members benefit from a vast network of experienced professionals, providing a community for mentorship and knowledge sharing..
In this Issue
Professional Networking
Grow your professional network, find a mentor, network with the best, and best part of the community that’s making home inspection better every day.