ASHI Members Share Their Media Experiences
Paul J. Brunetti, Sr., Griggs & Browne Home Inspection Service, Providence, R.I., was doing all the talking and the showing as the person featured in the column “Working people talking about their jobs,” which was published in the Providence Sunday Journal on May 4. Columnist Connie Grosch accompanied him on a home inspection so she could include photos of the ASHI Certified Inspector on the job, as well as a photo of his ASHI membership badge.
He is quoted describing a home inspector as a “general practitioner” and sharing the following: “I enjoy crawling and climbing. And I know it sounds a little corny, but I enjoy helping people make what we call in the business an ‘informed decision.’ I save people thousands of dollars sometimes.”
Satisfied client gets Barker T.V. gig
During a conversation with a satisfied client, Patricia Barker, Bruce Barker’s wife and business partner in Dream Home Consultants, Peoria, Ariz., talked about the ASHI Certified Inspector’s new book, “Everybody’s Building Code.” The client was impressed enough to recommend Barker to his contacts at the Phoenix ABC affiliate, who contacted the home inspector and arranged for him to be interviewed July 19 on the KNXV-TV broadcast “Valley buyers look for a steal, end up with a big problem.”
Patricia Barker said they also have received inquiries and requests for review copies of the book in response to the letters she sent to magazine editors and to local news and sales outlets. Barker may be getting more gigs soon.
Gladstone steps up for ASHI Steve Gladstone, Stonehollow Home Inspection, Stamford, Conn., stepped up on ASHI’s behalf when a story in a New York daily caused a frenzy of interest in granite countertops. In an article published July 29 by the ABC News Medical Unit, Gladstone was quoted relating to the topic “Cause for Worry? Granite Fears Grip Homeowners.” He is identified by Dan Childs, the author of the article, as the “former president of the American Society of Home Inspectors.”
Here and there
Radio News Release – Brion Grant, ASHI president, recorded a one-minute Radio News Release (RNR) about why an inspection by a qualified inspector is a must when buying a foreclosed home. The prepackaged news story includes mention of the ASHI Web site. It was distributed in September. Let ASHI know if you hear it on a local station.
USA Today – Bob Swanson, a weather reporter for USA Today, interviewed Frank Lesh, ASHI immediate past-
president, about the importance of obtaining regular home inspections and deck maintenance tips for an article he was writing about deck safety. The
article ran June 11.
Client Bill of Rights press release – The June press release, “ASHI Introduces Client Bill of Rights,” has appeared in a variety of outlets, including, Inman News, the Press Enterprise and the Houston Chronicle.
ASHI members, please make use of the monthly press releases by distributing them to your local media contacts. They are available on Use the quick link to find them in the Media and Advertising section. Adding a local observation will make them even more valuable to your news outlets.
Public Relations Committee choreographs another beneficial agreement
It’s official: ASHI has formalized an agreement with the Indoor Air Quality Association (IAQA). The two associations, recognized as leaders within their professions, established a working relationship that promises to be of benefit to members of both organizations. Aside from the reciprocal referrals, the organizations will align closely at the senior executive level on broad public awareness and education efforts and research activities. Their first joint action is to distribute a press release announcing the agreement.
Charged with developing relationships with allied national organizations and state home inspector associations, the Public Relations Committee identifies and approaches those who share similar beliefs and values related to serving consumers and their members. The commitment to cooperate is expressed in an agreement signed by the presidents of both organizations.
Over the years, the committee has initiated memorandums of understanding with the organizations listed below.
National organizations
- Appraisal Institute
- American Association of Radon Scientists and Technologists (AARST)
- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
- Indoor Air Quality Association (IAQA)
- Institute of Business and Home Safety (IBHS)
- National Oilheat Research Alliance (NORA)
- National Pest Control Association
- Rebuilding Together
- Red Cross
In addition, ASHI has worked on projects of shared interest with additional organizations such as the National Association of Realtors®, the North American Deck and Railing Association (NADRA), and the Door and Access Systems Manufacturers Association (DASMA).
State Associations
- Arkansas Association of Real Estate Inspectors
- Arizona Home Inspection Coalition (AHIC)
- California Real Estate Inspection Association (CREIA)
- Florida Association of Building Inspectors, Inc. (FABI)
- Georgia Association of Home Inspectors, Inc.
- Illinois Home Inspector Association
- Kentucky Real Estate Inspection Association, Inc.
- Minnesota Society of Home Inspectors
- Mississippi Association of Home Inspectors (MAHI)
- New York State Association of Home Inspectors (NYSAHI)
- Nevada Association of Certified Real Estate Inspectors
- Oklahoma Residential & Commercial Inspection Association (ORCIA)
- Pennsylvania Home Inspector Coalition
- Home Inspectors of Tennessee (HITA)
- Texas Association of Real Estate
- Inspectors (TAREI)
- Virginia Association of Real Estate
- Inspectors
- Wisconsin Association of Home Inspectors (WAHI)
Representatives from the state organizations will be invited to meet during InspectionWorld Orlando.
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ASHI offers its members unparalleled resources to advance their careers. ASHI offers training for inspectors at all levels of knowledge and experience, including resources about all major home systems. Members benefit from a vast network of experienced professionals, providing a community for mentorship and knowledge sharing..
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