ASHI Members Introduce The ASHI Experience to the Real Estate Community

by Edited by ASHI Staff January 1, 2004

Talking to thousands of real estate professionals as they circle a huge exhibit hall zeroing in on the irresistible aroma of freshly popped corn is not for the faint of heart or the tender of foot, but Matt Cantor and seven of his colleagues knew this even before they worked the ASHI booth at the REALTORS® National Conference & Expo, November 7-10, 2003. They’d done it before when the show was held at San Francisco’s Moscone Center in 2000.

This year, the eight repeat volunteers from Golden Gate Chapter were joined by three rookies, one from Silicone Valley, as well as Rich Matzen, ASHI president; Carlos Tabora, ASHI director of marketing and Gordon Rudow, ASHI consultant and founder of Bonfire Communi-cations, who was present to help orchestrate the introduction of The ASHI Experience to the real estate community.

Much about the event was the same as in the past—a fast-moving, noisy crowd and hard concrete floors underfoot. Attendees were again drawn to the booth by the promise of fresh popcorn and, once there, were guided by the volunteers through the online Find An Inspector function available via live feed to The exciting difference this year was that the action took place in a new “The ASHI Experience” booth designed to appeal to a real estate audience, and the message was that ASHI is committed to earning a reputation for customer service equal to its current reputation for technical expertise.

Real estate professionals are an important audience for ASHI, and volunteers continue to make it possible for the Society to have a presence at NAR®’s national and local events. For helping to make this possible, ASHI sends its thanks to the 11 volunteers who served their Society well during this year’s four-day national conference.

Matt Cantor*
Cantor Inspections
Berkeley, Calif.

Max Curtis*
Livermore, Calif.

Roger Drosd*
General Contractors Inspection Service
San Francisco, Calif.

Gordon Goldman*
Sentinel Inspection Services
San Ramon, Calif.

Rik Goodell*
Goodell Structural Services
San Rafel, Calif.

David King, Silicone Valley Chapter
Serlock Home Inspection Service.
Hollister, Calif.

Alex Lambie*
Gen. Contractors Inspection Svc. Ltd.
San Francisico, Calif.

John McComas*
Building Inspection Service
Berkeley, Calif.

Thomas Mitchell
Bay Area Building Inspections, Inc.
San Francisco, Calif.

Paul Rude
Summer Street
Berkeley, Calif.

Bob Westby*
Westby Home Inspection
Kensington, Calif.

*Served 2000 and 2003


Postcard tweaks the attention of NAR® conference attendees

Echoing the ASHI image at this year’s NAR® conference, 17,000 postcards mailed to conference attendees carried the following message:

Professionals working with professionals

You’ve known ASHI (American Society of Home Inspectors) as the creator of the highest technical standards for performing a home inspection.

Now, you can also count on ASHI inspectors to provide your clients with the best experience in customer service and professionalism.

We call this The ASHI Experience.

Visit or call us at 1-800-743-2744 (ASHI) to find an experienced ASHI inspector near YOU.


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