ASHI Members in the News

by Sandy Bourseau February 1, 2002

Tom O’Connor of Home Pro Inc. and president of the Pittsburgh chapter, was pictured and quoted extensively in the article, “New law specifies home inspection procedures,” which was published in the Tribune Review, Greensburg, Pa., circulation 80,000.

John A. Vaccarello of Housing Inspection Services was quoted in the same article explaining ASHI’s Membership requirements.
Sidebars to the story stated “What home inspectors must, can do”and “What home inspectors can’t do.”

John Ghent, ASHI immediate past president, was quoted extensively in Lew Sichelman’s column, “Congressional Leader Questions Need for Mandatory Home Inspections,” which appeared in the November issue of National Mortgage News, circulation, 10,239.

In January, Sichelman contacted ASHI and asked if the Membership would be willing to provide input on a specific issue he would be addressing in a future column. He needed the information within a day. The response to the request posted on the, Members only discussion board was overwhelming. The Membership quickly provided him with more input than he needed.

Establishing a relationship with the local press and broadcasters can pay off. Something as simple as announcing a new member or chapter event or as complex as educating the public on new legislation provides an opportunity for publicity. Let HQ know when you succeed. Fax copies of articles to 847-299-2505 or email information to

Plan a chapter media event  for April

Give back to your community, build bonds within your chapter and give the press something to cover by scheduling a Rebuilding Together® or Protecting Our Kids from Disasters event during April, 2002. For help with planning a Rebuilding Together® event, go to For help with a Protecting Our Kids From Disasters program, contact the Institute for Home and Business Safety (IHBS) by email, or refer to the workbook distributed to
chapter leaders at Chapter Leadership Day.

If you need help from HQ, contact Sandy Bourseau ( or Bob Kociolek (

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ASHI offers its members unparalleled resources to advance their careers. ASHI offers training for inspectors at all levels of knowledge and experience, including resources about all major home systems. Members benefit from a vast network of experienced professionals, providing a community for mentorship and knowledge sharing..

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