ASHI Members in the Media

by Sandy Bourseau February 1, 2008

Bruce LaBell: Good Morning Arizona

Bruce LaBell, ASHI certified inspector and Arizona Chapter’s public relations committee chair, appeared on Good Day Arizona, Dec. 19, 2007. The three-plus minute segment was titled “Energy: Winterization is important to save energy,” but before providing energy-saving tips, LaBell was able to promote all types of inspections including new construction and maintenance. He also explained what sets ASHI members apart from other Arizona-licensed inspectors, directing viewers to the ASHI Web site for more information. The segment aired during the 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. program on KTVK-TV CH 3, Phoenix. (For more of Bruce LaBell’s PR efforts, see Chapter News.)

Larry Wasson: NBC Affiliate News, D.C.

ASHI Certified Inspector Larry Wasson, Affiliated Inspectors, Chevy Chase, Md., was the expert featured in the three-minute broadcast titled“Hidden Toxins Found In Many Homes, Building Inspector Says.”

Subtitled “Experts Recommend Steps To Combat Hidden Dangers,” the program was broadcast Dec. 18, 2007 on the District of Columbia NBC affiliate evening news.

When the anchorperson came back on camera, she advised viewers, “People who want to hire a home inspector should make sure that inspector is a member of the American Society of Home Inspectors.”

Blue Ridge Chapter: NBC Affiliate, Charlottesville, Va.

A chapter-organized seminar turned out to be a public relations boon for ASHI’s Blue Ridge Chapter. As members planned to enroll together in CMC’s Energy Tune Up course, the chapter distributed a press release to 12 local news sources announcing the event. Two
freelance print reporters and a crew from the local television station came to the seminar to learn more about energy audits and why the inspectors were choosing to be certified.

The result:
On Dec. 11, 2007, the local NBC affiliate ( aired a two-minute segment, Inspectors Complete Home Energy Audit.” The publicity should help create a demand for energy audits as it reminds listeners to seek out ASHI members to deliver them.

Tom Kraeutler: AOL real estate

Retired ASHI Member Tom Kraeutler gave ASHI top billing in his article, “Home Inspection Survival Guide,” published on AOL real estate. He referenced the NAR® and ASHI joint study, and recommended ASHIs Virtual Home Inspection as he explained what sellers should expect when the buyer’s home inspector arrives.

Kraeutler encouraged both buyers and sellers to use the Virtual Home Inspection.By using the tool, both homebuyers and sellers can gain a good understanding of what inspectors search for, before anyone sets foot on the real property,” he said.

This long-time ASHI supporter is the Home Improvement Editor for AOL and host of The Money Pit, a nationally syndicated home improvement radio program. To learn more, visit his program’s Web site at

Don Nelson, Frank Lesh: Chicago Tribune

ASHI Certified Inspector Don Nelson, Nelson & Son Building Inspections, Ltd., Northbrook, Ill., and Immediate Past-President Frank Lesh, Home Sweet Home Inspection Co., Indian Head Park, Ill., contributed to the article “New Home Inspector’s Job Isn’t Clear,” by Allison E. Beatty, which appeared in the Dec. 21, 2007 Chicago Tribune.

Frank Lesh: Denver Post

It was Frank Lesh, again speaking on behalf of ASHI, in the article “Some ways to protect your home (or why
you need a fire extinguisher and a water heater check),” written by Jan Thomas and published in the Dec. 22, 2007, issue of the Denver Post’s Home/
business section.

Steve Gladstone: CBS News, New York

ASHI Past-President Steve Gladstone, Stonehollow, Inc., Stamford, Conn., was the on-camera lead for the story “Housing Market Disappoints,” on CBS News, New York, Randall Pinkston reporting.

ASHI sighted here and there

ASHI Certified Inspector Arthur S. Lazerio, Alban Home Inspection Services, Bethesda, Md., spotted a lengthy article mentioning ASHI throughout on Essentials: Property Inspection Facts.

MS&L, ASHI’s public relations consultants, reported that the press rlease  “Holiday Home Survival Guide: ASHI’s Top 10 Tips For Busy Homeowners,”
distributed on Nov. 28, was picked up by RisMedia on Nov. 30 and by the Arlington Hts., Ill. Daily Herald several days later.

An earlier release, “Curb Appeal: Inspecting Your Landscaping,” appeared in Chief Engineer Magazine.

On Dec. 26, 2007, listeners to Martha Stewart Living Radio (SIRUS) were directed to contact ASHI inspectors for energy audits or to obtain references.

A monthly report from MS&L is
distributed with the monthly leadership electronic newsletter, First Thing. All ASHI members with a current e-mail address on file at headquarters receive this newsletter, thereby receiving updates on all ASHI’s activities. Members may update their contact information on the Members Extranet, accessible from



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