ASHI Members Elect Officers for 2007
Comments are from the matrices submitted to the Officer Nominating Committee.
Frank Lesh, President
Home Sweet Home Inspection Company
Indian Head Park, Ill.
“As the incoming president of ASHI, I have lots of ideas. Some you may agree with, some you won’t. But there is one thing I’d like to promise to you.
“I will:
“A-lways listen
S-hut up and listen
H-ear what you say
I-ncorporate your best ideas
“All I ask of you is to let me know what you think.”
Membership highlights:
• 1990, joined ASHI
• 1998-99, Great Lakes Chapter president
• 1995-2000, council representative
• 2001-04, ASHI director
• 2004, ASHI secretary
• 2005, ASHI vice president
• 2006, ASHI president-elect
Brion Grant, President-elect
Northland Home Inspection Inc.
Flagstaff, Ariz.
“ASHI needs to provide more benefits for all categories of membership to stay relevant in the face of increased regulation by the states and pressure from other organizations. I believe that education and experience are the keys to becoming a successful home inspector, and my vision as the current chair of the Smart Track task force is to create online education that will be relevant to Members and Candidates, and true mentoring with the use of the new Parallel Inspection Program.
“ASHI has always maintained that it is the most professional inspection organization, and it must continue to do so.”
Membership highlights:
• 1990, joined ASHI
• 1994, Membership Committee report reviewer
• 2002-03, council representative
• 1998 -2000, ASHI director
• 2001-03, Legislative Committee, state activities chair
• 2003, ASHI “Iron Man” award recipient
• 2004-05, ASHI director
• 2005, Education task force chair
• 2006, ASHI secretary
William Richardson, Vice President
Responsive Inspections, Inc.
Albuquerque, N.M.
“I have always had the vision of ASHI being the national certifying agency for home inspector competence through
education, training and certification, similar to what the Code Councils have done. This would be a positive benefit to the public and an additional source on non-dues income to ASHI.
“This would be accomplished through discussion with the BOD, research by a task force and, finally, implementation of a program. I would start this process by recommending that the BOD seriously consider the benefits and assign a task to research and make recommendations.
“Pressures from less-qualified organizations on our membership offering instant certification” and the “impact on membership due to licensing in states and the
perception that national membership is not needed due to licensing” are the most significant issues facing ASHI in the next 12 months.”
Membership highlights:
• 1990, joined ASHI
• 1994-99, 2004, New Mexico Chapter president
• 1994, 1997-2000, ASHI director
• 1999-2001, Education Committee chair
• 1999, Membership/education task force chair
• 2004-05, ASHI treasurer
David Tamny, Treasurer
Professional Property Inspections
Columbus, Ohio
“As treasurer this year (2006), I have worked very hard to keep ASHI on track fiscally. Having worked in financial services, I understand financial account and sound fiscal management. I have brought this expertise to ASHI as treasurer, working hard to help create a viable budget designed to create a surplus to be used to fund ASHI’s reserves.
“The two most significant issues facing ASHI (in the next 12 months) are how to grow our membership while maintaining our core values and how to strengthen our chapters. We are facing a unique time in our history where there is tremendous competition for association membership. Not only do we have competition among national associations, but state licensing has allowed a number of state associations to emerge. ASHI’s advantage is that we are the oldest and most respected association and have the widest name recognition. We can’t fall asleep at the wheel, however.
“Secondly, we must strengthen our chapters. The chapter is where the true benefit of ASHI membership resides.”
Membership highlights:
• 1993, joined ASHI
• 2000-02, North Central Ohio Chapter founding member
• 2000-01, council representative
• 2002-04, ASHI director and Finance Committee — Special Task Group
• 2005, ASHI secretary
• 2006, ASHI treasurer
Kurt Salomon, Secretary
Advocate Inspections
Midvale, Utah
“The two biggest short-term issues ASHI faces in the next 12 months include
1) recruitment of new membership, and
2) a change to a more goal-oriented management philosophy.
“The current strategic plan has a Membership value component. With more reasonable dues and our welcome back program, we have good membership
retention rates. We need to focus on membership growth. ASHI needs to balance our heritage and a new growth model.
“The new plan (strategic plan) should be simpler to understand. A more efficient and successful management style usually includes specific goals, milestones and target dates. The Board of Directors, the committees (including chairs and members), the council of representatives, and ASHI-HQ staff need to be held accountable for achieving stated goals.”
Membership highlights:
• 1993, joined ASHI
• 1997-2000, Utah Chapter founder and president
• 1999-2000, council representative
• 2001-03, ASHI director
• 2003-04, Find an Inspector task force chair
• 2004-06, council representative
• 2005-06, council speaker
Comments are from the matrices submitted to the Officer Nominating Committee.
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ASHI offers its members unparalleled resources to advance their careers. ASHI offers training for inspectors at all levels of knowledge and experience, including resources about all major home systems. Members benefit from a vast network of experienced professionals, providing a community for mentorship and knowledge sharing..
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