ASHI Member hero of Associated Press newswire story

by Sandy Bourseau April 1, 2002

Under headlines proclaiming “Hidden drawer leads to $20,000 discovery,” Stan Edmunds, owner of Homespect in Keene, NH, told how three times he went through a door in the back of a closet to the attic of the house he was inspecting. The third time, he tugged on an unusual looking shelf support, and out came a drawer – filled with papers and bank deposit bags stuffed with $100 bills, totaling $20,000.

The heirs to the home, real estate agents and a cleaning crew had missed the well-hidden drawer, but not Edmunds. Local papers, USA Today and the wire service picked up the story of his find. A radio station also interviewed him. He said his only disappointment was not being identified as an ASHI Member, even though he mentioned it to reporters. One of the heirs sent Edmunds a $50 reward, which he said he would donate to charity.

On the air with Sam Flamma

In February, ASHI Member Sam Flamma started broadcasting his Sunday afternoon “Ask Your Home Inspector” program on a local Pitman, N.J., AM radio station. It’s a listener-call-in show with featured guests, designed to educate prospective homebuyers about what to look for when selecting a home.

Preins appears on 10 ‘o clock news

Public Relations Committee Chair Steve Preins was taped for a Chicago ABC-7 news segment addressing homebuyers’ concerns about mold. Because he wore an ASHI jacket, the logo received as much exposure as Steve did. His airtime was brief, but there was a great close-up of the logo on his jacket.

REALTOR® Magazine references ASHI

ASHI Member Sonny Jarrell, Town and Country Real Estate Inspection Service, Hattiesburg, Miss., spotted a reference to ASHI in Barbara Nichols column in REALTOR® Magazine. Listing “Ten ways to land in court,” she starts with “A poor inspection.” Among the statements under this heading, she writes, “ …Advise buyers in writing to look for certain minimum qualifications by asking inspectors: Do you belong to the American Society of Home Inspectors?…”

ASHI featured on AOL

AOL’s welcome page for house hunters featured a checklist with a “Get an inspection” option linked to ASHI’s home inspector search area.  130 million impressions nationally, thousands more locally

It’s estimated national media exposure placed the ASHI name in front of 130 million people in 2001, as a result of the public relations program developed by professional consultants. In addition to the national program, individual home inspectors and chapters have given ASHI a strong presence in local newspapers and broadcasts across the country. Real estate reporters and broadcasters prefer local sources, so let them know you’re there and willing to help when they need a home inspection-related story or photo.

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