ASHI Leadership Training Conference 2008

by David Sherwood August 1, 2008

New name reflects sublte changes

In the past, Chapter Leadership Day (CLD) trained chapter members to be effective local leaders. It worked well. Many members and chapters benefited from the training. Nevertheless, last year the Chapter Relations Committee decided to make some subtle, yet important, changes to the event.

Now, the purpose of the conference is to provide training for people who are new or future chapter leaders. It’s intended for the members who are stepping up to a chapter leadership position or who are being groomed to take over in a leadership role.

In the past, we saw many of the same people at the conference year after year. This wasn’t helping to prepare future leaders, and it goes against what we had been teaching at CLD. To encourage chapters to use the conference for its intended purpose, the Chapter Relations Committee established a two-year rotation schedule for the newly named Leadership Training Conference (LTC). For those who attended last year, this year will be year two of your program. For those of you who are coming for the first time, this will begin your two-year leadership training. We welcome both groups.

Chapters can send members for this two-year certificate program at any point in the cycle. Their new leaders still will get all the information they need. Members will receive a certificate for attending and completing the program each of the two years. We at the LTC not only will give them the tools to become effective leaders for the chapter, but we will give them fresh ideas to help the chapter grow — ideas that have worked in other chapters. Attendees can start their two-year certificate cycle in any year.

We encourage all chapters to send new or potential leaders to this year’s ASHI’s Leadership Training Conference in New Orleans (the event normally is in Chicago) to see what all the buzz is about. Those of you who don’t go, please encourage those who do to meet with your chapter officers and directors when they return to share what they’ve learned and how ASHI is supporting your chapter!

David Sherwood chairs the ASHI Chapter Relations Committee. He has been an ASHI member since 1996, belongs to the Southern New England Chapter and operates Sherwood Inspection Services, LLC, in South Windsor, Conn. He can be reached at 866-646-9983. Visit his Web site at


Leadership Training Conference (LTC) 2008 in New Orleans

Attention Chapter Leaders

The invitations have been sent to chapter presidents. Now it’s time to decide who will attend this year’s
leadership training in New Orleans.

Target current and new up-and-coming leaders. The LTC is a two-year program. Send last year’s attendees if it was their first conference. Replace anyone who has attended two or more training conferences.

Thursday and Friday, Oct. 16-17, 2008

Hilton Riverside, New Orleans, La.

Make your travel arrangements early.

Questions? Contact Bob Kociolek, ASHI state legislation and chapter relations director, at


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