ASHI hires Director of IT
Joe Kusiak took his place as ASHI’s first Director of IT on July 1, Cindy Paterkiewicz, director of finance & administration/HR, announced. Kusiak holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Mathematics and a Master’s Degree in Finance, and is currently pursuing a second Master’s Degree in MIS from Dominican University.
His experience with not-for-profit organizations includes a project with the AMA involving code generation with their Oracle database. His background includes PCs and Macs, the printing and publishing industries, Web site development, databases, e-mail, (Exchange), hardware, software and troubleshooting.
Advertising space selling rapidly
Advertising rates reflecting the four-color enhancements to the ASHI Reporter were announced in June. Space for the fiscal year October 2003-September 2004 is selling briskly, with the new premium positions proving to be especially popular. In the past, many advertisers made a commitment for the full year and all available space was sold for almost every issue of the magazine. Therefore advertisers are encouraged to reserve space early. For a rate card, contract and insertion order, e-mail or visit media/public relations (Advantage Kit) on
ASHI grows
Current Membership tops 6,200
Members and Candidates do the best job of letting others know how ASHI serves its membership and the profession. Share with others your reasons for belonging.
Comments to proposed Code coming in
In July hearings on the proposed Code of Ethics were held in Berkeley, CA, Schaumburg, IL, and Washington, DC.
In addition to the hearings, ASHI is soliciting feedback from the Membership through the mail, and has invited comments from other organizations with an interest in home inspections or professional codes of ethics. The deadline for commenting is August 28, 2003. Voting will take place in November.
For the new code to be adopted, 30 percent of the Members must vote, and two-thirds of those voting must vote “yes.” The outcome of this defining event for the Society requires your attention.
MRC reminder
Claim forms are mailed this month to all who need to report 20 MRCs by September 30, 2003. Questions? Please email Please do not send information unless asked to do so.
Inspect PAC wins support
Thank you to those who have answered the call to expand ASHI’s political influence. Authorization forms continue to be received at HQ, allowing ASHI to solicit donations for the Political Action Committee. Donations are also coming in.
Providing support is a two-step process. ASHI must have your permission to send you information on InspectPAC and to solicit your contribution.
Attend Chapter Leadership Day
Chicago is the place for chapter leaders to be in October. Plan now who will travel to Chicago to participate in branding-related activities.
Standards of Practice hearing at InspectionWorld
The Standards of Practice Committee announced it will hold a hearing on proposed changes to the Standards at InspectionWorld in January 2004.
Nominating committees accepting matrices
The Officers Nominating Committee and the Directors Nominating Committee are accepting matrices. The forms are available for downloading on the ASHI Web site under documents in the Members Only section or by contacting HQ. Please follow the directions and fill the form out in full before returning it to HQ. Deadline for submitting both forms is August 28, 2003.
Like to plan ahead? Book hotel rooms for InspectionWorld now
New Mexico Central Reservations is now accepting reservations for the block of hotel rooms reserved for InspectionWorld in Albuquerque. Call 505-766-9770 (press 2) and ask for the ASHI InspectionWorld rate. Limited rooms are available at the Hyatt Regency, Doubletree and La Posada hotels.
ASHI calendar of events
• August 28, 2003, Deadline for commenting on proposed Code of Ethics
• October 24-25, 2003, Chapter Leadership Day and Board of Directors meeting, Chicago, IL
• December 13, 2003, Committee Leadership Workshop, Chicago, IL
• January 14, 2004, Board of Directors meeting, Albuquerque, NM
• January 15-17, 2004 InspectionWorld, Albuquerque, NM
To Read the Full Article
ASHI offers its members unparalleled resources to advance their careers. ASHI offers training for inspectors at all levels of knowledge and experience, including resources about all major home systems. Members benefit from a vast network of experienced professionals, providing a community for mentorship and knowledge sharing..
In this Issue
Professional Networking
Grow your professional network, find a mentor, network with the best, and best part of the community that’s making home inspection better every day.