ASHI: From Good to Great
I recently read a book by Jim Collins titled “From Good to Great.” He writes about why some companies are able to make the transition from good to great while others do not. It is no secret we all have experienced challenges over the past two years. The real estate market is struggling to recover, and many of our members are struggling to survive. It has also been tough for associations, with membership numbers down for professional societies and trade associations across the board. We can be proud that ASHI is weathering the storm.
Focusing on our mission
It has been said that the Chinese word for “crisis” is made up of two characters, one that represents “danger” and the other “opportunity.” The challenges that face us represent an opportunity for ASHI to go from good to great. We must continually focus on our mission: To set and promote standards for property inspections and to provide the educational programs needed to achieve excellence in the profession.
Making a personal commitment to excellence
The ASHI members whom I have known are committed to excellence. They look at home inspections passionately as a profession and endeavor to constantly improve themselves to be the best. Motivational speaker Brian Tracy said, “Excellence/perfection is not a destination; it is a continuous journey that never ends.” Some may expect ASHI to make their phones ring and make them money. It would be nice if it were that easy. Being a member of a national association does not relieve us from the personal responsibility for our own success. What ASHI does do for its members is provide the educational programs needed to achieve excellence in the profession.
Acquiring the personal tools to succeed
The best in any field are never lacking for work. When you are the best at what you do, word travels. You get referrals and can take pride in your achievements. It is ASHI’s mission to help you on the journey to excellence. ASHI can’t do it for you, but through education and training at chapter and regional seminars, or the ASHI School of Home Inspections, our members can acquire the tools to succeed. Networking with other experienced inspectors is also invaluable on the journey to excellence. I know it has been both rewarding and invaluable in my journey.
Transitioning from good to great
ASHI as a national organization has some work to do on that journey as well. I look forward as president to working with our Board of Directors to solidify our vision and make the transition from good to great. We will be engaging in strategic planning this year. The home inspection industry is continuing to change. The landscape is not the same as it was back in 1976, when ASHI was founded. We value the past, but we must be moving forward to respond to change. Sometimes, that requires taking a good look at yourself and how you’ve always done things in the past. ASHI must be on the cutting edge of the profession, endeavoring to keep our membership abreast of current trends and opportunities.
Succeeding as a team
Success is a team effort, and we must all be working together toward common goals. The ultimate focus is and always will be value for our members. I appreciate the hard work of all our volunteer leaders and hope that we can all embrace our vision to move from good to great.
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ASHI offers its members unparalleled resources to advance their careers. ASHI offers training for inspectors at all levels of knowledge and experience, including resources about all major home systems. Members benefit from a vast network of experienced professionals, providing a community for mentorship and knowledge sharing..
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