ASHI exhibits at the 2003 National Conference of State Legislatures
Brion Grant, ASHI Legislative Committee co-chair, reports on activities at the four-day annual national gathering of state legislatures in July.
Steve Preins, ASHI State Legislative committee member, and Bob Kociolek, ASHI staff, joined me working in the booth at the NCSL conference in San Francisco, where we met numerous legislators – some from states considering regulation – others from states with regulation in place.
Talking with people who stopped at the booth, we’d discover they were sponsoring inspection bills in their states or were preparing to do so. Lobbyists also stopped to talk and to pick up copies of our position statements and press release.
Legislators from New Mexico, Iowa and Kentucky, states that are currently considering regulation, also picked up position statements, and they discussed important aspects of good regulation with us. We can’t overestimate the value these contacts may have for the future of the profession in these states.
Many legislators were interested in the grading system. Some were curious as to why their state did not rate as “good,” giving us the opportunity to present ASHI’s point of view.
People who wanted to know even more dropped off their business
cards so we can follow up with them and perhaps provide further support or information.
The Legislative Committee will follow up on the contacts we made as we discuss with our legislative consultant the best way to participate in the preparation of regulation prior to the next session. The work members of the Committee did on ASHI’s behalf at the NCSL meeting will pay huge dividends for the future as we get the message out about the importance of good regulation, if regulation is appropriate. As the committee chair I want to thank all who contributed.
—Brion Grant
New and Carried Over Legislation
Alaska HB 9 became a law July 10, 2003 without the Governor’s signature.
California SB 31 As previously reported, California introduced a legislative proposal that would require home inspectors to become certified by a “professional home inspection association.” July 9, 2003, the Assembly Committee on Business & Professions held another public hearing on SB 31. At this hearing, the Committee recommended passage of SB 31 by a vote of 8-5. SB 31 now awaits further actions on the Assembly floor.
Louisiana HB 176 was signed into law by the Governor June 27, 2003. HB 176 will now be known as Act 568. Act 568 will become effective August 15, 2003.
Pennsylvania SB 427 June 24, 2003 the Senate Committee on Urban Affairs and Housing held a public hearing on SB 427 at which time the Committee recommended the measure be passed. July 8, 2003 the Senate amended SB 427. The Senate amendment limits home inspection privileges to licensed engineers and architects ONLY. The amendment also specifies that licensed architects and engineers acting in the capacity of a home inspector must act within in the limits of the law governing home inspectors.
Also on July 8, 2003 the Senate passed SB 427 by a vote of 48-0. SB 427 now awaits a public hearing in the House Committee on Consumer Affairs.
Rhode Island SB 802 June 30, 2003, the Senate Committee on Commerce, Housing & Municipal Government held a public hearing on SB 802, at which time they recommended that it be passed as amended. The Committee amendment made minor technical changes to the bill, lengthens the amount of time that a certificate of registration is valid from one year to two years; increasing the fee for a certificate of registration from $60 to $120; and permitting the Board to take disciplinary action against any home inspector who performed work while his/her registration was suspended, invalidated or revoked or if the home inspector performed negligent an/or improper work or if the home inspector breached contract. July 1, 2003, the Senate voted to pass SB 802. July 2, the House voted to pass SB 802. July 17, 2003 SB 802 became law without the signature of the Governor. SB 802 is now known as 2003 Chapter 282.
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