ASHI Exhibits at NCSL

by Bob Kociolek August 1, 2006

Once again, ASHI will exhibit at the National Conference of State Legislators annual show in Nashville, August
15-18. Members of ASHI’s Legislative Committee will network with over 6,000 state legislators, staffers and lobbyists, and distribute the newly revised Position Statement on Regulation of Home Inspectors.

This is the place to be to influence the movers and shakers in state politics. Last year, ASHI put hundreds of Position Statements in the hands of key legislators, and made contacts that were shared with our chapters. Our goals are to make ASHI known to legislators as the private-sector source for all information pertinent to the regulation of home inspectors, and to cut down on the white noise created by others, including unethical inspector groups, whose legislative intentions are not public protection, but membership gain. By doing this, lawmakers and others interested in regulating inspectors will come to know that any efforts to protect consumers and improve the profession can only succeed with the active participation of the ASHI membership.

We’ll give you a report next issue.

West Virginia to require home inspector certification

Beginning August 1, 2006, West Virginia will become the 31st state to regulate home inspectors.

As an initial requirement and qualification for certification as an inspector, every applicant:

• Shall have passed the National Home Inspector Examination offered by the Examination Board of Professional Home Inspectors or other, comparable examination, as determined and designated by the State Fire Marshal; and

• Shall either present proof of having conducted business as a home inspector for three years prior to August 1, 2006, or proof of satisfactory completion of at least 80 hours of instruction, which, as determined by the State Fire Marshal, directly relates to the performance of home inspections.

• Must have successfully completed high school or its equivalent.

• Every applicant shall present proof of general liability insurance in an amount not less than $250,000.

Other highlights of the new law include two prohibited acts consistent with ASHI’s Code of Ethics:

• Inspectors may not perform or offer repairs to a home on which the inspector has prepared a report within the preceding 12 months, and

• Inspectors may not offer or deliver any compensation, inducement or reward to the owner of the property, the broker or agent, or other party who might receive a benefit, for the referral of any business to the inspector or the inspection company.

When the ASHI Legislative Committee first graded the bill in 2005, it was rated as Good. ASHI members in West Virginia are pleased with the new law, and it should be noted that they worked in close concert with members of the National Association of Home Inspectors and independent inspectors for its passage.

If you have questions regarding the new law, contact:

Anthony W. Carrico
Deputy State Fire Marshal
West Virginia State Fire Marshal’s Office

State Sessions wind to a close, but don’t let your guard down

By the end of this month, only seven states—Illinois, Massachusetts, Michigan, New Jersey, New York, Ohio and
Pennsylvania—will still be in session.

If you live or inspect in any of those states, stay on guard for any surprises, either in already introduced legislation or in legislation introduced at the last minute. Check with ASHI’s Legislative Action Center for updates and make sure you stay in contact with your lobbyist, if you have one, and with your elected officials. Let them know who you are, what you do and how interested you are in any legislation that affects inspectors.

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